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Showing posts from December, 2008

Impact of Information Technology to Human Resource : A Research Proposal Sample

Introduction             Globalization and technology are considered as two of the most important aspects that affected the overall aspects of company, particularly its communication process and information flow.             As of now, organizations within the industrialized societies are experiencing a prolific growth in the development as well as deployment of information and communications technologies. In the entire sector of the economy, in both the public and private, within as well as between the organizational boundaries, computer-based information systems appear to be pervasive (Bloomfield & Coombs 2000, p. 1). However, there are still different questions and debates that pertain to the impact and relationship of IT to the human resource.             Furthermore, more and more companies and organizations, as ...

Impact of External Environment on Personnel Management Research Proposal Sample

  1.0   Title The working title of this research is initially drafted as Impact of External Environment on Personnel Management. Given that businesses do not exist in vacuum, several factors are influencing the core conduct of the business as well as the objectives and strategies of the business. Known as the external environment, these are the social, legal, economic, political, technological and ethical factors. As such, the business has social environment and responsibilities. Personnel management, on the other hand, is the part of management that deals with people and their relationship at work. As the responsibility of those who manage people, personnel management concerns personnel relations and personnel policies. Human resource management (HRM) is the most recent and most celebrated outgrowth of personnel management. There are several studies relating external environment and personnel management. However, these studies are either taken from broad settings such as ...

Sample Research Proposal on Efficiency and Effectiveness of Records Management on Organization’s Performance

  Introduction             Record is considered as any type of recorded information, regardless of the physical form or characteristics, created, received or even maintained by a person, institution or organization. It is considered as extensions of the human memory, purposely created to record the information, document transactions, communicate thoughts, substantiate claims, advance explanations, offer justifications, as well as providing lasting evidence of events. That is why human has a great needs to create as well as store information, in order to retrieve and transmit it, that will help to establish tangible connections with the past (Cox 2001, p. 2).             Information is always considered as one of the most important aspect of any organization, because it is used in decision-making as well as legal aspects and protections.      ...

Research Proposal Sample on Conservation and Sustainability of Marine Protected Areas: Comparison of Preah Sihanouk "Ream" and Phnom Bokor

    1.0   Title The working title of this research is initially drafted as Conservation and Sustainability of Marine Protected Areas: Comparison of Preah Sihanouk "Ream" and Phnom Bokor. 2.0   Background of the Study In 1925, Cambodia pioneered the establishment of protected areas in the Southeast Asia . The Royal Decree created a national system of classifying the 23 protected areas into four categories such as national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, protected landscapes and multiple use areas. For the purpose of conserving biodiversity, along with protecting forests and wildlife habitats, marine protected areas were likewise established. Marine and littoral protected areas include both marine and littoral and areas with both components. IUCN defines marine protected areas as ""any area of intertidal or subtidal terrain, together with its overlying water and associated flora and fauna, historical and cultural features, which has been reserved by law or other e...

Research Proposal Sample on Importance of Talent Retention/ Engagement in the Acquired Company of High-Tech Industry

Introduction             Human resource or HR is always considered as one of the most important aspects of any company because it main focuses on the productivity of the specific business or organization that can affect their overall performance as well as their connection and relationship with other stakeholders. However, due to the different factors such as globalization and Information Technology or IT, particularly the Internet, the employment process is being affected and changing overtime, that is why it is important to focus on the different demand of the employment processes.             As of now, workforce is reflecting a change in the age mix, gender, ethnic and culture composition, immigrant status as well as the volume of workers with the disabilities. Furthermore, employers are also turning to the previously untapped resource like welfare recipients and the priso...

Research Proposal Example on The Current Economy and Its Impact On Restaurant Industry.

  The restaurant business is not a stable industry. From external factors like snowstorms to some internal factors like just one piece of broken equipment can affect the amount of business you do on any given day. These are just some of the many restaurant problems many managers face. According to National Restaurant Association twenty-five percent of restaurant operators said the economy is the number-one challenge facing their business, followed by food costs (22%), building-and-maintaining sales volume (16%) and recruiting-and-retaining employees (14%).   Restaurant Background Priya Indian restaurant is a franchise restaurant and has four chain stores one in Hokitika, Frans Joseph and Greymouth and Westport . The owner and manager of the Westport branch, Mr Ramesh Alla has identified a few issues that restaurant is currently faced with. To investigate the issues to become Mission Statement, the restaurant promise is "Using only the finest quality ingredients to create cl...

A Research Proposal Sample on Community Foundations or Corporate Philanthropy in the U.S.

              This is a research proposal to be conducted by the author. The author would like to discuss the corporate philanthropy in the United States in relation to the proper tax law of the subject nation. The objectives of this study are the following: to provide readers the concept of corporate philanthropy; to bring to the conscious knowledge of the readers the importance of corporate philanthropy; to establish a concrete conclusion that will agree with the argument of the author and; to formulate recommendation that will make corporations and the law be more consistent.             The author believes that by conducting researches as to the manner the corporations perform in relation to corporate philanthropy. In addition, there is also a necessity to conduct surveys and interview as to provide the information and conclusion a concrete support and proof. The pi...

An Investigation of Education of Pakistani Politicians : Research Proposal Sample

  1.0   Title As initially drafted, the working title of this research will be – An Investigation of Education of Pakistani Politicians. 2.0   Introduction Been ruled by both democratic and military government, Pakistan has had a long history of sporadic period of electoral democracy and authoritarian military governance. Political processes took place within the framework of federal republic as its official government in alternating system of government including parliamentary, presidential or semi-presidential. The continuously changing political system is due to widespread discontent over central government's responsiveness to citizens. In Pakistan , the high rates corruption, the excessive focus on patronage and the inadequacy of public welfare regulation are a commonplace. Devolution was perceived to be the key in combating the unyielding political issues. In 2002, the Pakistani government enacted a constitutional amendment requiring electoral candidates to ho...