Public Relations
all organizations are creating their image for the public knowledge and create
information that might be useful for the public. One classic example of the PR
is through commercials or advertisements that conveys the message and
communication which is significantly related on what the organizations do and any
updates on what kind of operations they are doing. For some time, the public
relations or PR creates an additional value for the business such as the
establishment of the image and creates impression of the organization in the
public eye. Since the opinions and impressions of the greater public play an
important role for the continuous success of the organization, the PR is often
referred to as a strategy. However, understanding the true nature of public
relations towards the management recognition is not that explored.
paper is divided into two parts. First part will discuss how an understanding
of public relations theory can help gain management recognition for the
practice of public relations, and second is analysing the statement regarding
the success of PR in the integration of the traditional media in the context of
the strategic approach to communications. Therefore, recognizing the
theories and its application of the practice are facilitated in this
Part 1: Discuss how an understanding of
public relations theory can help gain management recognition for the practice
of public relations?
What is Public Relation?
the personal point of view, the public relations can be administered by
different kind of organizations in order to make establish a massive
distribution of information for the public. The practice also assumes to relay all
the relative information of the organization or person involved. This also
usually states the relationship in between the public and the company and
getting the public more informed is the way for these organizations to
communicate. Perhaps, the only aim of the public relations is to manage the
flow of communication and information in order to enhance the reputation of the
organization or individual. There is also an officer that facilitates the flow
of information and can play a vital role in establishing the image of the
Why there is a Need for PR?
told that the purpose of PR is to build and emphasize the image of the
organization as well promoting the distinction in between the competitors so
that the public is informed that the two organizations are different entities.
Also public relations appear like a strategy along the promotional campaigns
and other form of advertising. The use of the public relations, therefore,
means that is has no boundaries or limitations as long as it can satisfy the
objectives set in making the PR strategies. Through emphasizing the nature of
the firm’s environment, there is a need for continuous adaptations in the
environment, and thus, the importance of PR seems applicable. Organizations,
especially those that are for-profit organization, tends to provide the most
sophisticated and intensive practice of PR to create a greater impact in their
chosen market. Therefore through understanding the concept the PR and expertly
managing this certain strategy is needed in order for the business to have a
better exposure.
the continuous PR coverage creates a significant impact in the market
particularly in the business environment where the firm concentrates. Also the PRs
are also a way for the firms also actively try to influence and shape their
environments. This is highly possible through mirroring or interpreting the
needs and demands of the market, thereby the firms can respond accordingly and
reflected on how they can deliver the initiatives through the PRs. This
innovative approach of the firms in building the image is a result on findings
the best position in the market and as well as having the gaining the portion
of market share. This action can be also interpreted as a way of creating
advantage in the market against their rivals (Hasan & Jandoc, 2010).
Through the engagement of the firms in the PR, they can target more accurately
the market and consumers while at the same time, make clarifications on the
surrounding issues that usually rots the image of the company.
in understanding the PR, its basic applications and entire principle may create
a greater turbulent on the image of the company. One classic example is the
incident that took place on one of the plants of British Petroleum. The
unfortunate incident like oil spill happened in 2010 in the Gulf Coast created
a negative the impact on the operations of the company and as well as how the
public will make opinions on the accident. The reputation of the company truly
suffers a lot. The damage has been done and BP cannot change what is already
happened. The challenge that the company need to pay attention aside from
recreation of the social ties and recuperating on the financial loss is to
rebuild their reputation. Rather than continuing the blame game, it is expected
that BP should coordinate with the regulations in the industry along with the
safety and environmental practices. Many eyes are watching the company, not
only the shareholder or the media, but the stakeholders who can be directly or
indirectly affected. And because of the incident, the new regulation or rules
in offshore drilling has been passed offers tougher requirements on the
operators like BP and which includes the practices like designing, cementing,
facilitating the blowout preventers and as well as in employee training. In
addition, the operators are also encourage to develop the comprehensive plans
in managing the risks and hazards in every step of the drilling process with an
aim to reduce the risk of human error. These new regulations are based on the
BP incident. It is also important to note the immediate action of the
organization in pausing the drilling activities and operations of the BP to
promote the strict regulation. However, this action subsequently affected the
oil industry during a temporary suspension (Hargreaves, 2011). But this action
will only mean that the organization is ready for the conservation efforts and
related measures in rebuilding processes.
the many eyes watching and victims waiting in line, the company finds their
position to be in critical and the need to the re-establishment of the image is
really needed. The PR strategy, in its certain call, is needed to win back
their position in the industry and among the stakeholders. Although it seems
hard, the efforts of BP should be diverted on how to improve the regulations
and redesigning the essential areas that can ultimately affect their
reputation. The future of BP deeply depends on how the business will act now on
the corporate social responsibility. In this event, the PR should take an
important role in alleviating the issue and at least provide the public a
concrete answer. However, the result is not what expected. While the company is
fighting over the legal matters in the incident, the PR is making the mess even
worse. It appears that the PR strategies is not that ideal, not that it only
made series of errors but the PR is also criticized by not even following the
internal guideline towards the damage control in the spill. Also, the
management and other executives give their insights and optimistic prediction and
promiscuous information as their answers in alleviating the spill whereas only
too little action was performed. Up to now, the company is still paying for the
damages (McClam & Weber, 2010).
public presence of BP was facilitated by media in which often the information
is distorted, misunderstood, or excessive if not lacking. The BP is mirrored to
have a lack of ability in facilitating the crisis management and compassion
because of the failure to provide the PR. Many opinions emerged saying that the
best image that BP can create is by stopping the leak and preventing the
further spill. And since it is obviously difficult enough to make an immediate
solution, it is essential that PR should not make the matters worse and severe
the situation. The wrong step that the PR committed is including the personal
opinions and tapping the emotions of the people in the management. Hence, if
the failure of providing the immediate solution is manifested, then the purpose
of PR should concentrate on getting the pieces back together and at least make
it possible to form a concrete statement on what the future plans of the
company. But instead, it appears that the PR made is like an open forum wherein
the people blame each other and efforts is superficial, while the oppressed are
the PR is meant in this situation is to be an ice-breaker that will eventually
lead to damage control but even BP’s oil spill plan has cited in the PR that "No
statement shall be made containing any of the following: promises that
property, ecology or anything else will be restored to normal" (McClam
& Weber, 2010). This statement
leaves an impression that the company might not be that serious in rebuilding
its relationships with the stakeholders. The response of the company is slow
and their lack of control on giving the public message from the very beginning
created criticism and receives many ill-remarks coming from the media. Hence,
the PR is not helping and even creates confusion.
Public Relations Theory
have a wide range of communication, the organization can promote the public
relations effectively as its partner in restructuring and integrating the
richer knowledge-based and capabilities of practitioners in advertising. Within
the Integration, there is a define coordination and when it is applied in the
communication disciplines that will formulate the greater interaction to
achieve their organizational goal. In addition the use of media in delivering
the information created by the organization is part of the entire strategy and
planning. The continuous consolidation of communication disciplines and
applying the strategy on it enables the organization to deliver the corporate
objectives in a larger audience (Cornelissen and Thorpe, 2002). It is has been
the competitive advantage because of the strengthen interrelations among the
mass media or other several of communication discipline and the entire
organization, especially in the propellers. And from learning the issue on the
experience of BP, the media as an effective means of communication and channel
of information plays an important role on how the PR can be delivered.
are four theories that might help in understanding the public relations and is
used as models in facilitating the functions of the public relations. These
models are based on the study of Rhee (2004).
Press Agentry model
is described like a propaganda-type of public relations in which seeks for the
attention of the media in any possible way. This is usually applied in the
one-way, source-to-receiver communication model.
Public Information model
is referred to be truth-oriented approach in the public relations. Through
applying this theory in the PR strategy of the organization will make the
company more transparent. However, there should be an assurance that the
information being disseminated is accurate and the disclosure of the
information is legal. Also, the PR should not have any hints of biasness and
unfavourable information.
Two-way asymmetrical model
is a theory that primarily involved the unbalanced and one-sided communication.
The PR manager and the user of this model is much more involved on the use of
the social science theory and research on the characteristics of the audiences
and highlights the attitudes and behaviors. This is applied in order to successfully
persuade the public in accepting the organization's point of view, or at least
adjust the organization’s culture in according to what the public expects them
to be.
Two-way symmetrical model
targets the communication that delivers a balanced relationship in between the
organization and the publics. This can be possible through negotiation and
compromise. The PR manager, when intentionally applying this type of model uses
much more of the communication rather than focusing on the messages or contents
of the PR with a purpose of understanding the public. Through the research and
other means can help in motivating or persuade the publics. Based on the name
of the model itself, this theory tries to understand the principal motivation
or objective to strengthen the public relations.
the symmetrical model is called mixed motive public relation that is based on
game theory in the public relations (Murphy, 1991). The mixed motive model
refers to the phenomenon of public relations people being motivated by both
their loyalty to their organization and by the publics affected by behaviors of
the organization that employ them. Hence based on Grunig and Grunig (1992 cited
in Rhee, 2004) argued that the two-way symmetrical model of communication is
the normative model and is an ethical approach to organizational effectiveness
more than other models of public relations.
relating these theories to the case of BP, the general picture of the public
relations and its strategies should better be focused on these dimensions in
order to avoid confusion and misinterpretations. The theories also classify the
kind of communication and approach that can be used most especially if there is
a complex situation and PR is a need to at least make the problem lighter.
These theories highlights the idea that can be used by organization and be part
of the integral strategy in building and sustaining the relationship with the
common public.
Part 2: Digital public relations that
successfully factors in traditional media such as newspapers, magazines and
broadcasts can achieve both broad awareness and more targeted engagement.
evolution in media is evidence telling that society is ready to discover and
improve the things around them. When it comes to media, it doesn’t mean that
the television plays the most dominant role. Actually, the entertainment
industry is considered as media and these involve the different games,
internet, and radio shows. In reviewing the point of view of the statement, I
can say that I agree on what argument it’s trying to create. I believe that
media creates a stir in delivering the information in this disregards on what
form of media to be used. In terms of the digital integration, the access on
information became faster and helps the audience gain more advantage because of
the convenience in receiving the information. With the enough resources, the
PRs made by any type of companies can have its position in the market.
Furthermore, through gathering sufficient information in the market, there is a
guarantee that the related information is well received and can satisfy the
objective of the organization. This means that whatever kind of media that an
organization is used, it doesn’t imply or make any changes on the content of
the PR. Thus, the media only became and channel to communicate. The digital
media such as Internet is not difficult to find and can be also effective or
successful like the traditional media as long as it administers the ample
amount of information and to have the suitable technology and assistance that
can catch in the pace of changes in the society.
is also not new for the PR to have highly dependent in technologies. The
changes in the company, whether internal or external, can make the PR build
strong relationship with the technology to make updated and deliver the
benefits to the society by sustaining the people with information, education,
and entertainment. The technological strategy, hence, became the model and
principles of most industries of today that is why the communication and
services should be highly competent in terms of technologies and their features
(BBC, 2010).
on my opinion, the main accomplishment of the digital media is to respond in
the needs of company in technological strategy. In this way, the service of the
company becomes more responsive, agile, and dynamic. The consciousness of the
organization in the financial pressures creates a big impact in the internal
development of the organization. However, in order for the PR to maintain its
performance in the society, the content should answer any future inquiries that
the business might meet. Also, the PR should consider the real-time information
because being processed in a media tool (Wells & Spinks, 1999). PR, in
particular, is not a department in an organization which needs number of people
to create information nor a branch of marketing that should be addressed every
now and then but PR is important means of communication and a good PR
management is all it takes to help the organization face some serious
challenges. The lack of direction on how to handle the PR is a common challenge
but continuing efforts can be the route towards success. The experiences of the
organization in the technology can be effectively applied in PR as long as the
subject is addressed rightfully. The PR with the integration of digital media has
a great potential in answering the consumer needs through allowing the
technology to be used in their work practice. For an instance, the station
needs to simultaneously show or present commercials. This marketing practice
can emphasize the function of media by the use of effects and other features.
Usually, the creative marketing specialist or creative consultant can handle
the typical problem in marketing by exploring the various methods in catching
the attention of the audiences (ROC, 2010).
order to present the argument with fairness, there are advantages and
disadvantage of the digital media as a strategic approach of the organization
in the PR and communications.
Advantages of Digital Media
Internet is changing according to what purpose the organization is trying to
hold. It has not only reconfigured the way different firms do business and the
way the consumers buy goods and services, but it has also become an effective
instrument in transforming the value chain from manufacturers to retailers to
consumers, creating a new retail distribution channel (Donthu & Garcia,
1999). And in this case, the ability of the digital media to provide
information and other related articles through online publishing (e.g. Blogs,
Websites, Social Networks, Annual Reports that were made into PDF, and public
messages or announcements that are commonly known as PR).
to Forrest and Mizerski (2001), the web's interactive nature or the ability of
the user to receive and transmit messages leveled-up the communication dynamics
of users as consumers of advertising messages since the Internet acts as a
"many-to-many" channel of communication, of which when applied in PR
can be a greater help in disseminating the information. As such, the Internet
as the new communication medium transformed the conventional design and
implementation of advertising campaigns along with its effects to consumers’
purchasing considerations and behaviors (White & Raman, 1999). Moreover,
compared to other broadcasting media such as the television and the radio whose
advertising messages are alternately programmed and delivered to the audiences,
advertising messages in the Internet is integrated within the editorial content
just like in the print media (Hanson, 2000).
Internet enables two-way communication in which the user can respond to the
announcer or even diffuse a counter message and interact with other users in a
form of peer-to-peer communication wherein the stimulus and the response can
occur on the same medium distinctive from other forms of communication (White
& Raman, 1999). Furthermore, the Internet allows a potential integration
between information seeking and commercial transactions since a user can
respond to a web-based advertisement, decide to buy the item, and then buy it
within minutes resulting to a significant shortening of the decision process.
Along with minute variations in the short-term reactions to the advertisement
among users, Web advertisements can lead to sizable gains in purchase behavior
(Kim, 2003).
Disadvantages of Internet
the advantages of Internet advertising come its drawbacks as well. Since the
evaluation of the effectiveness of a PR campaign concludes a successful
marketing effort, the importance of accurate and valid assessment of
advertising propaganda is highly important. However, in the case of Internet and
its integration with the PR strategies, one wrong move may serve as the pitfall
for the entire organization. For an instance, when an announcement has been
published or launched in the Internet world, it should be expected that there
are many people who are eyeing for the news. The critical part is when there
are errors in the message or the content is not reliable. The damage is
directly affecting the image of the company and since the Internet is a host of
millions of audience and around the world, different reactions and opinions
will form which can add tarnish to the image of the company. Smith and Chaffey
(2001) explained the most of the Web-published works bears a great risk in the page
content. Furthermore, when the wrong information has been disseminated, the
number of audience who received the message can form their impressions in which
can directly affect the performance of the organization.
the digital media became risky as compared to the traditional media. This is
because in newspapers and other publish materials editors which handles the
kind of information to be disseminate, in TV and radio, there are production
assistants, segment directors, and directors who can collaborate in forming
right amount of information to be aired. But in digital media, the PR manager
who is responsible should be more careful and should put more thought on the
contents, since there will be no one (assuming as if there will be no one would
help the PR manager) around to ask for their opinion and can evaluate the
public messages. Also too much focus on the personal view and emotions of the
people should be disregarded since the focus of making the PR is for the image
of the organization as a whole and not on personal opinions. These are the
instances of what makes it difficult for the PR to be launched all at once
because errors may happen and it can be disastrous for the organization.
Catching the attention of the audience is however easy.
Strategic Approach to
on the PR theories and the use of the digital media as a channel of
distribution, we can say that an organization can strategically employ their
unique PR coverage. Certainly, PR coverage associates similar base with media
relations. These media relationships must not be utilized when issues as well
as crises are elevated in the global marketplace. It is imperative for the firm
and its subsidiaries to have continuous communication and collaboration to
formulate the effective PR. This serves as grounding information of the entire
organization and gauges the stories that should be included or not.
effective PR coverage will allow adaptations of strategies, precisely in
alleviating the problems and thus, earn more trust from the general public and
to enable them to identify as well as recognize active potential market issues
that may affect the business process in part or in full. It may also arise that
organizations have to present flexible connections with the media. This is to
gain and achieve a positive PR coverage of their business and operations. In
the process, good PR assumption will help business to hinder marketing issues
from being transferred to certain type of situation that could possibly harm
their products and services as well as harm their brand names and reputation
through constructive publicity (White & Raman, 1999).
market branding presentation is ideal for attaining a constructive PR as one
imperative factor to keep media relationships constant. This could serve as a distinct advantage,
provided that the business’ PR coverage are consistently generated and crafted
professionally. The PR coverage will be determined within the masses that
arrive on business news on a daily or weekly basis. The organizations should
follow strict guidelines on what to present and get known to the public and if
successful in disseminating marketing communications then PR coverage might be
realized in good standing (Higgins, 1999; Cutlip, et al., 2006). There is then
some reasonable weight for the industry to stand the amount of PR coverage and
handle them well and track them for business recording purposes.
such, PR is a kind of industry wherein competition can be intense and PR
coverage is being utilized for multifaceted purposes by business regardless of
size in addition to the nation of origin. True enough that PR team and people
are busy individuals whom getting hold of are a bit hard in this modern day
information occasion (Gumpert, 1997). Nevertheless, the better possible manner
for firms to contact these people has to be determined and recognized by
accountable people at businesses. This serves as one vital function that
requires care as well as skills in order for the business to establish,
generate and manage effective PR coverage through the help of extensive media
coverage is part of every business life around the world. There has been quick
increase of innovative media and its impacts to industries duly exist.
Specifically through the emergence of internet medium that provides good PR
coverage interaction like that of digital PR coverage of such products and
services. Basing on data from Lifetips (2007), the term public relations is
currently utilized by many businesses; however, some aspects of it are not
exactly similar to that of PR coverage for business process. Henceforth, a good
PR coverage stresses the connections that businesses and its industries
generated with PR editors as well as analysts. Ideally, PR coverage expands the
business’ relationship to the customers and the audiences so to speak.
Surprisingly, Bland et al. (2001) asserted that there are several business
practitioners who dedicate lesser time frame to achieving a good PR coverage
through effective media relations. This is because PR base in media were
divided into conventional PR and innovative media by some business related
scholars and practitioners (Cutlip et al., 2006; Higgins, 1999). A good PR
coverage is important to the business and will strengthen incredible growth of
interactive business media.
are still traditionalists who want to read about business activities on hard
copies rather than pushing the remote control of online and or digital
television (Digitalstore, 2007). This is why a number of newspapers as well as
magazines are duly published yearly. However, the internet has been booming all
throughout even though some argued that internet increase is becoming a
stagnant reality. PR coverage is an innovative challenge for business that
surely transformed what PR and media employed to have. Cutlip et al. (2006)
have discussed that the inclusion of PR coverage in business assumes ample part
of market adjustments as well as changes. Thus, there is adequate evidence
that, internet based PR coverage is recently has been an important
communication tool on which media relations are comprehensively manifested.
White and Raman (1999) argue that internet has been the primary controlled PR
coverage in support of the mass media in the long run. Some skills and passion
are needed by the business to take advantage of good PR experience. Beforehand
the internet emergence, marketing through advertising was the effective way to
transmit communications via media assumptions.
and White (2000) mentioned that business intends to strengthen business
identity, collect and gather evidence, provide information to stakeholders and
PR based media via the internet. According to Fulton and Guyant (2002),
internet supported coverage gives opportunity to businesses to introduce and
launch their brands and products globally. Through valuing a good PR coverage, businesses
allow direct as well as effective communication with the community and the main
public regardless of location factors and cultural barriers. For instance, if
something happens in Apple or Samsung now, then in span of few days it can be
broadcasted throughout the globe. Good PR management is needed as well as
considered properly for legal matters of business industries. Being successful
in managing PR coverage, the business will be interested to get in contact with
other organizations. This PR coverage, in return will add value to business
the public relations gave a lot of thought such as the strategic construction
of the public messages. Through the help of the theories related in the PR,
there is a clear framework on what should be done in creating the PR.
Furthermore, the integration of the PR into the digital media as a most
efficient way in disseminating information is gladly accepted. However, the
risk involved such as committing errors on the messages may also hurt the
organization; therefore, the PR manager should be skilled and trained on how to
facilitate the PR function and coverage.
PR coverage is ideal for the organization such as BP if applied wisely.
Furthermore, the effectiveness of the PR coverage may take effect if it is
amiably planned and this particular planning must be connected to the strategic
agenda of the business. Therefore BP and other types of organizations must be
aware that in this existing climate of business competition as well as
accountability, achieving and realizing a good PR coverage is an important advertising
issue that needs appropriate attention and assessment. PR should be attractive to
the business people, to the customers as well as the media example, the online
media. Nonetheless, it is crucial to be strategically minded and honest in
doing PR communications for keeping up with a constructive and highly
competitive market. It is also vital for the firm’s PR not to overstate or
overdo an event. If it does, it might reflect as well as manifest a negative PR
coverage which is not healthy for any business – taking the example of BP. The
business must look into the media relations undoubtedly and pose no questions
on matters they are writing about the business as much as possible. Every
organization matures and reflects on the past experiences.
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