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Global Hospitality to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Global Hospitality to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


The hospitality and tourism industry worldwide is continuously growing in the 21st century. This industry encompasses hotels and other accommodations, restaurants, fast food retail, bars, and catering. It has been characterised in recent decades by the development of an increasing range of highly segmented products and services. Basically, tourism is one of the fast evolving industries that contribute to the development of the society.  In this research paper, evaluations and investigations will be facilitated pertaining to the tourism/hospitality practices and s development within the countries in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.  Basically, tourism is characteristically considered as travelling for leisure, though this definition has been extended in recent years to consist of any travel outside of one's usual working or living area. As stated by Ashe J. (1999), tourism is very important because it brings profit into an area. If a country wants to grow, they need to find a source of capital. When a destination has something that attracts people they will spend money when they come to visit. For example, the country that has an incredible beach that just cries out for visitors and yet if there is no way to get to it because the roads are not built, then people will not come consistently. Countries in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) are good tourist destination but if the government of these countries does not provide parking and food concessions, people will stay away. In addition, if KSA have a professional sports team in town but the seats of the arena are broken, the roof leaks, the paint is peeling, the food is stale, and there is no climate control people will not come. With this, it is evident that tourism in KSA are recognizing the need of the tourism and demonstrating a willingness to invest in whatever it takes to make it happen. From this consideration, this research study will consider the major changes brought by tourism development to the hospitality and tourism industry in KSA.

Statement of the Problem

It is obvious that the government of the countries in KSA are creating ways to improve the tourism of the country through the utilization of different marketing strategies. For instance, this is clearly being exemplified by KSA’s decision to move electronically into ecommerce to promote the various sites and features the country can offer.  Despite of this changes, there are countries in KSA that continuously preserving their natural nature known as sustainable development instead of considering advanced infrastructures, systems and technology. Actually, the KSA’s competitive strengths in accordance to their tourism assets are: abundance, diversity, reliability and visibility of wildlife; unspoiled environment and beautiful scenery; low tourist density; safe destination; beaches; authenticity and the ‘unique KSA experience’ - real KSA and cultural experiences; and friendly people. From there, what is interesting to find out is how the KSA government utilizes development strategies to market or expose those positive traits. This will also “evaluate the major contemporary changes in KSA Tourism and Hospitality Industry in 21st Century.” Then, those changes should be analyzed and evaluated in terms of effectiveness and ineffectiveness.


Aim and Objectives

Although one of the ways this research will be run is through subjective interpretation, objectives are also needed as it will also utilize quantitative researched. For this research paper, the aim is to investigate and evaluate the changes occur in KSA tourism industry in accordance to their sustainability practices. The following objectives will be addressed in the study:

ø  The extent to which current development practices affects the success or failure of KSA tourism industry.

ø  The effects of current development concerning global support have on KSA tourism compared to the last 10 years.

ø  How tourism development efforts concerning global support of KSA government affects the success or failure of KSA’s tourism.

ø  Findings in various literatures about the link between concerning global support development and tourism.

ø  The significance of linkage between KSA’s tourism and sustainable development.


Overview of the Research Design

For this study, primary research and secondary research will be used. Primary research will be conducted using anonymous questionnaires that will be sent to personalities related to tourism industry of KSA. The researcher will also be conducting focus group interview to personalities related in tourism of KSA. The questionnaires will be used to collect quantitative data and the interviews will be used to provide qualitative insights into the data collected.

As stated above, this research will partially base its findings through quantitative research methods because this permits a flexible and iterative approach. During data gathering the choice and design of methods are constantly modified, based on ongoing analysis. This allows investigation of important new issues about the acquisition and questions as they arise, and allows the investigator to drop unproductive areas of research from the original research plan.

The data collection instrument will be a structured questionnaire that will be based on Likert scale (Creswell, 1994). A Likert Scale is a rating scale that requires the subject to indicate his or her degree of agreement or disagreement with a statement. By rating scale we mean the scales that are usually used to measure attitudes towards an object, the degree to which an object contains a particular attribute, (Like or dislike), toward some attribute, or the importance attached to an attribute (Creswell, 1994).



Ashe, J (1999). Bluewater Blureprint, Plus Five. UN Chronicle. 36, 3.


Creswell, J.W. (1994). Research design. Qualitative and quantitative approaches. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage.




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