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Estimating the Impact of Improving inhaler Techniques for Asthmatic Patient

Estimating the Impact of Improving inhaler Techniques for Asthmatic Patient


Most of the victims of asthma are children and their population is growing faster. Although there is a continuous innovation of medicines every year, parents and people are underestimating its effectiveness on children. Through this rationale, this paper proposes to conduct a study that estimates the impact of improving inhaler techniques for asthmatic patient. The main findings of the applied method are that most of the parents are ware about the effectiveness of the medicine and they use it the main treatment for asthma.


Background of the Study

In all over the world, many people especially children are suffering due to asthma. There is a recorded high rate of asthma and growing faster that sometimes starts under the age of four years. It is very alarming that the every year, children are the common victim of the prevalence. Living in poverty is another factor that can trigger to the high risk of the asthma. However, there are medicines that are available to control the attack of the asthma but most of them are too expensive for the poor families. The purpose of the study is to assess the effectiveness of the medicines for asthma in order to justify the cost being applied to those medicines. Although there are various available medicines, still children suffer in the asthma most especially in the depressed areas. 

Asthma, in medical terminologies, is a disease of complex relationships between the airway inflammation, obstruction, and hyper-responsiveness that is triggered by infectious agents, allergens, irritants, or emotional stressors. It is difficult to determine the early signs or symptoms of asthma but it can be manage in the early stage of infancy and toddlers. If the parents understood and can read the behavior of their children therefore, they should bring them to the pediatric hospital to determine if there are any signs of respiratory weakness (Koenig and Chesla, 2004). For children who are aware about their current asthmatic situation, the people should not treat them so especial but only with proper caution about the things that might trigger the attack of the asthma. It was also suggested that the school should be also have the initiative to control or provide right medications for the children suffering from asthma (Bonner, et al., 2006). 

Asthma caused by symptoms that cannot be cured but can be controlled. To keep the asthma under the control, the people as well as the parents or guardians should know what are the appropriate medicines can be applied and how those medicines can be work. In the determination of the study to provide the adequate answer about the effectiveness of the medicines, the applied method of the study is through the use of the questionnaires. The participants came from the hospital setting and all are parents. These parents were given by a two-page questionnaire in which they can answer diligently. Within the questionnaires, the questions are about the personal information of their children, their asthma history, their rate of return to the hospital for check-up, and the medicines used for their children. At the second part of the questionnaire, the parents are bound to demonstrate through words or drawing on how the medicines act as the treatment for asthma as well as the process in preparing them for their child during the attack of the asthma.

In controlling the asthma, there are two types of medicines used which are the controllers and the relievers. The controllers work during the swelling, mucus, and muscles tightening around the airways. It is used everyday or when the child had a bad feeling about his/her body. On the other hand, relievers are the emergency treatment being applied to open the airways when they are even tighter or became tighter than the usual. The relievers are only applied for a maximum of three times per week if the breathing is not normal with the controller medicine (Green, Levin, and Gray, 2008).



The aim of this essay is to propose a study that will investigate the impact of improving inhaler techniques for asthmatic patient. In this current essay, all are based from literatures about inhaler techniques for asthmatic patient in healthcare institutions.


The following are the objectives:

1.                  To provide a discussion about the inhaler techniques for asthmatic patient.

2.                  To review the current stance of inhaler techniques provided by various health institutions in the country.

3.                  To identify the variables affecting to the inhaler techniques for asthmatic patient.

4.                  To determine the effect of current inhaler techniques for asthmatic patient to the progress and development of healthcare industry in the country.

5.                   Analysing the value of effective efforts of inhaler techniques in helping the asthmatic patient

6.                  To suggest suitable strategies for enhancing the inhaler techniques for asthmatic patient.



This research study will be conducted under the qualitative paradigm using the qualitative means of data gathering. According to Gereffi (1999), in general, qualitative method is concerned with the quality of the collected data rather than the bulk of informants who participated. As such the study will operate primarily under the qualitative research approach wherein the quality of the information gathered rather than the quantity of sources that are available to the researcher, is highly recommended so as not to compromise the quality of the data (Gummesson, 2000).Due to the limited capability of the quantitative method as a single resource there is a need to provide a qualitative exploratory research procedure that will enable the researcher to perform in-depth analysis and extensive interpretation of the findings of the study.






Bonner, S., Matte, T., Rubin, M., Sheares, B., Fagan, J., Evans, D., & Mellins, R., 2006. Validating an Asthma Case Detection Instrument in a Head Start Sample. Journal of School Health, Vol. 76, No. 9.

Gereffi, G 1999, ‘International trade and industrial upgrading in the apparel commodity chain’, Journal of International Economics, vol. 48, pp. 37–70.

Green, R., Levin, M., & Gray, A., 2008. Asthma Medicines and How They Work. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 08 Feb 2010].

Gummesson, E 2000, Qualitative Methods in Management Research, 2nd edition, Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA.

Koenig, K., & Chesla, C., 2004. Asthma Management among Low-Income Latino and African American Families of Infants and Young Children. Family Relations, Vol. 53, No. 1. 


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