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Discourse Analysis of Propaganda in the Nigeria Political System

Discourse Analysis of Propaganda in the Nigeria Political System



Nigeria is one of the countries in Africa that needs support from civil society groups. With more than 250 ethnic groups in its population, the country experienced dictatorship in the seventies, and today, it seems that corruption in the government stands out as Nigeria’s most daunting and deliberating problem (Onwudiwe, 2004). Nigeria is not a poor country, so to speak, as it has many supplies of oil. However, despite of this wealth which gained it the title of being the 6th oil producing nation of the world, the poor constitute about 70% of the Nigerian population (Dike, 2001). The Economic Commission for Africa (2002) stated that social division and mismanagement have paralyzed the opportunity of Nigeria to alleviate its people from poverty. However, it seems that corruption is the main reason for its condition and if it will not be stopped, the Nigerian people will suffer more – economically, physically, mentally, and emotionally.


Without a doubt, it is the citizens who suffer from a nation’s poor policy and standards. A case study from Aigbokhan (2000) shows that polarization in Nigeria and the inability of the government to address it affects the nation greatly in a negative way. The reason why this study has been chosen is because of the motive of the author to expose the propaganda existing in the political system of Nigeria. This aims to eliminate criticisms on Nigerian’s political system, but will also be objective, rather than subjective, in addressing issues that will be encountered. All in all, the researcher aims to provide helpful recommendations regarding the operation and the stability of the political system in the country.


Statement of the Problem



The researcher will investigate the current status of political system in Nigeria in accordance to propaganda. Specifically, the focus will be on development-oriented propaganda in Nigeria and how they contribute to development and recovery from poverty.  In this study, several key queries will be sought. They are:


1.                  What are the objectives and goals of current propaganda in Nigeria?

2.                  In accordance to reigning politician effort in Nigeria, what are their propaganda to fight poverty and promote development?

3.                  How do political propaganda in Nigeria sustain the political system in Nigeria?


4.                  What are the criticisms that politicians usually receive from the government itself and the society?

5.                  What are the improvements that need to be done to make their political propaganda and operations better and more effective?



Purpose of the Study



The purpose of the study is to provide a helpful professional material about political propaganda in Nigeria. This material should educate the readers about the politics and political propaganda in areas of conflict and how they differentiate themselves from the state or the government. Civil society comes from the people and thus, might be able to give things that the government cannot give to citizens. Development-oriented propaganda need to be exposed in terms of their purpose and helpfulness, in order to draw more support for sustaining and improving their organization. This paper might trace possible barriers that prevent Nigeria politics to achieve their goals, but might also provide solutions on how those barriers can be overcome.






Qualitative research method will be utilized in the study. The value of qualitative research can best be understood by examining its characteristics. One of the primary advantages of qualitative research is that it is more open to the adjusting and refining of research ideas as an inquiry proceeds. Also, the researcher does not attempt to manipulate the research setting, as in an experimental study, but rather seeks to understand naturally occurring phenomena in their naturally occurring states. Inductive reasoning, as opposed to deductive reasoning, is common in qualitative research, along with content or holistic analysis in place of statistical analysis (Meyer et al, 1995).

Miles & Huberman (1984) believe that the data of qualitative research are particularly attractive because they provide: well-grounded, rich descriptions and explanations; preservations of time flows, chronologies, causality; serendipitous findings for new theory construction; and a quality of "undeniability."

The participants of the study will consist of 10 politicians and political analyst in Nigeria. They will be recruited through mails and phone calls and will be interviewed with the use of open-ended questionnaires. The interviews will be conducted by the researcher with a tape recorder, and data will be eventually transcribed afterwards.




Aigbokhan, B.E. (2000). Poverty, Growth and Inequality in Nigeria: A Case Study. African Economic Research Consortium. Nairobi, Kenya.


Dike, V.E. (2001). The Global Economy and Poverty in Nigeria. Amadu University Press, Zaria, Nigeria.


Economic Commission for Africa (2002). Nigeria – Untapped Potential. In Economic report for Africa 2002: Tracking Performance and Progress; pp.153-184. Ethiopia.


Onwudiwe, E. (2004). Nigeria. United Nations White Paper, Brussels.


Meyer, D.G., Powell, K.S., & Tucker, M.L. (1995). Qualitative Research in Business Communication: A Review and Analysis. The Journal of Business Communication. Volume: 32. Issue: 4: 383+. COPYRIGHT 1995 Association for Business Communication; COPYRIGHT 2002 Gale Group.


Miles, M. B., & Huberman, A. M. (1984). Qualitative data analysis: A sourcebook of new methods. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.


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