of the Study
In teaching and learning process, there are different internal and
external factors that affect the learning skills of the students. An effective
teacher is known to have the power to realize socially valued objectives agreed
for teacher’s work including the work concerned with enabling students to teach
(Campbell et al, 2004). There are many
ways to know if a teacher is effective or not. Effective teaching is intellectually
demanding in that it requires the teacher to know, in a deep sense, the subject
being taught.
To teach
effectively, the teacher needs to be able to think and problem-solve, to
analyse a topic, to reflect upon what is an appropriate approach, to select key
strategies and materials, and to organize and structure ideas, information, and
tasks for students. None of these activities occurs in a vacuum (Eriksen,
Effective teaching
is socially challenging in that it takes place in the context of a department
and institution which may have unexamined traditions and conflicting goals and
values. Most important of all, effective teaching requires the teacher to
consider what the students know, to communicate clearly to them, and to
stimulate them to learn, think, communicate, and perhaps in their turn, to
stimulate their teachers. In short, to teach effectively you must know your
subject, know how your students learn, and how to teach.
However, if the children that are complete in senses and functions well fail to
complete the attendance in school, how much more the individuals who are
physically disabled or unable to function well as a normal person? In order to
promote the education among the children with mobility disorders such as visual
impairment, many educators proposed that there should be a special treatment
for those people. First, the institutions should address the mobility needs of
the students in order to learning objectives of the universities.
The purpose of the study is to assess the
Braille competency and user skill efficiency of teachers. This is done by analysing
data acquired from them through survey questionnaires that contain questions
related with the topic. Another
purpose of the paper is to be able to determine the implications of Braille
competency to students. The experiences of the school teachers to be surveyed
for this study pertaining to Braille competency may provide some enlightenment
on several implications.
Statement of the Problem
This paper intends to the Braille competency and user
skill efficiency of teachers by surveying several randomly chosen school
teachers in the area.
Aims and Objectives
The aim of the paper is to determine the Braille
competency and user skill efficiency of teachers. This is in lieu to promote
which approach is more advantageous for the school organisations. The reason
for aligning the issue of the Braille competency and user skill efficiency of
teachers with the schools, is because of the possible implications that each
may uniquely provide for the public.
following research questions are the problems explored:
1. What are the implications of the Braille competency and user
skill efficiency of teachers in the overall development of school?
2. What are the views of school teachers regarding Braille
system in teaching their students with visual impairment?
3. Is the
current level of teachers Braille knowledge and skill effective in teaching
their students?
Methodology and Techniques for Data collection
Research requires an organised data gathering in
order to pinpoint the research philosophies and theories that will be included
in the research, the methodology of the research and the instruments of data
interpretation. In this study, the Research Process “Onion” will be utilised so
that the findings of the study can be thoroughly established. The inner part of
the onion describes the methodology portion whereas the outer part discusses
the strategies that can be utilised in interpreting the results of the
The descriptive research method uses observation
and surveys. In this method, it is possible that the study would be cheap and
quick. It could also suggest unanticipated hypotheses. Nonetheless, it would be
very hard to rule out alternative explanations and especially infer causations.
Thus, this study will use the descriptive approach. This descriptive type of
research will utilise observations in the study. To illustrate the descriptive type of
research, Creswell (1994) will guide the researcher when he stated: Descriptive
method of research is to gather information about the present existing
condition. The purpose of employing this
method is to describe the nature of a situation, as it exists at the time of
the study and to explore the cause/s of particular phenomena. The researcher opted
to use this kind of research considering the desire of the researcher to obtain
first hand data from the respondents so as to formulate rational and sound
conclusions and recommendations for the study.
The research described in this document is
partly based on quantitative research methods. This permits a flexible and
iterative approach. During data gathering the choice and design of methods are
constantly modified, based on ongoing analysis. This allows investigation of
important new issues and questions as they arise, and allows the investigators
to drop unproductive areas of research from the original research plan.
Campbell, J. Kyriakides, L. Muijs, D. and
Robinson, W. (2004). Assessing Teacher Effectiveness: Developing a
Differentiated Model. New York, RoutledgeFalmer.
Creswell, J.W. 1994, Research design. Qualitative and quantitative approaches.
Eriksen, S. "Private Measures of Good
Teaching." Teaching of Psychology 10, n0. 3, 133-136.