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Sample Research Proposal on Apple Corporation

Apple allows business and leadership restructuring by gaining access to extra distribution channels and sales outlets in the global market. Recognizing and applying processes for direct investments, exploiting research and development for innovation, creating good heights of organization responsibility and through effective change adaptation, Apple audits provision of Supplier Code of Conduct (Apple Supplier Code of Conduct, 2009) Do Apple Inc. readily and successfully change?, influential theories have assumed that organization is relatively malleable, able to adapt when circumstances change (Amburgey, Kelly and Barnett, 1993); Hannan and Freeman's (1984), depicted inflexible organizations in which change is difficult and hazardous, distinguishing among changes as adaptive or disruptive for Apple and distinguishing conditions that facilitate/ impede change (Kelly and Amburgey, 1991; Haveman, 1992). Apple's change process can be disruptive and adaptive, and Apple based inertia can increase likelihood of organizational change.

The literature on organizational change has focused on the content of changes: switch to more advantageous configuration is defined as adaptive, while switch to less advantageous configuration is defined as deleterious, Apple may strongly resist change, theories focus on linkages between the organization and the environment: Resistance to change occurs because organization is embedded in institutional and technical structure of Apple environment. Thus, Apple focus on factors internal to the organization, how change is opposed by management team, even when change is advocated by some Apple members, established roles and formal rules are difficult to alter quickly. Hannan and Freeman's (1984) structural theory offers model of process of organizational change that include internal and external constraints on organizational change, probability of organizational change as organizations exist because they perform with reliability and accountability for certain actions. Reliability and accountability are high when Apple goals are institutionalized and patterns of organizational activity are routinized, but institutionalization and routinization generate strong pressures against organizational change.

In addition, the attempt to broaden and expand structural inertia model in network of Apple interactions to incorporate theories of organizational learning and innovation, result is broader model of change and momentum at Apple. Research themes or issues common to Apple change efforts will be discussed in lieu to content issues focus on substance of contemporary Apple changes, contextual issues, focus on forces or conditions existing in Apple's external and internal environments, the process issues, which address actions undertaken during the enactment of Apple's intended change, criterion issues, which deal with outcomes commonly assessed in Apple change efforts. Research dealing with monitoring affective and behavioral reactions to change will be reviewed with literature base.

General observations and suggestions for future research will be offered, Apple's organizational change literature continues to be responsive to the dynamics of contemporary strategic demands. The level of analysis refers to entities which Apple change poses concepts and society, knowing roles of Apple's information technology in change, structures can be seen in current theorizing increased awareness of strategic options, open discussion of Apple advantages and disadvantages, characterization of theoretical statements. Presence of improved interconnection and accessible databases are often the basis for deriving strategic advantage at Apple upon finding potential change model applications. The need to realize and discover Apple's current business changes implying such strategy bases, how Apple Inc. is handling business environment and its management, learn about Apple's organization assumptions and issues affecting change in the organization. People related change, work based change models for example, Apple eexecutives feed deliberate information into one part so that leak can be traced back to its source, workers on sensitive projects have to pass through layers of security once at their desks or benches, they are monitored by cameras and they must cover up devices with black cloaks and turn on red warning lights when they are uncovered (Spence, 2009).


Amburgey, T. Kelly, D. and Barnett, W. (1993) Resetting the Clock: The Dynamics of Organizational Change and Failure. Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol. 38

Apple Supplier Code of Conduct (2009) Progress Report

Spence, N. (2009) Apple tries to kill Steve Jobs story


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