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Sexual Harassment of Female Undergraduates in Nigeria Tertiary Institution

Sexual Harassment of Female Undergraduates in Nigeria Tertiary Institution

Sexual harassment of female in Nigeria school settings has become topic of interest to researchers and the general public alike. Although numerous studies document its frequency, the development of conceptual models identifying antecedents and consequences of harassment has proceeded at slower pace. For this study, empirical test of conceptual model will be described. According to the model, organizational climate for sexual harassment and job gender context are critical antecedents of sexual harassment; harassment, influences tertiary related variables of psychological states such as anxiety and depression as well as the physical health. The need to examine experiences of sexual harassment to be reported by random sample of undergraduate females at a major Nigeria tertiary institution.

The research focus will adhere on Female Undergraduates in Nigeria Tertiary Institution from within there determine the effects of sexual harassment and other factors pointing to the latter keyword. Literature review assessment and evaluation will be realized and the application of survey related questionnaire will be executed in order to achieve reliability and validity of research based on a controlled number of respondents to be randomly selected. Statements to be assessed through five point scaling system. Sample survey statements can be

1- Strongly Disagree 2 - Disagree 3 - Neutral 4 - Agree 5 - Strongly Agree


Receiving unwanted sexual attention from at least one male instructor during college years

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Female undergraduates carefully monitor and try to avoid new instructors who harass them

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When harassment occurs in more established student teacher relationships, these undergrads often lose their academic self-confidence and become disillusioned with male faculty

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The prevalence of sexual harassment has the cumulative effect of eroding women's commitment to careers in male-dominated areas

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Few studies have focused on the victims of sexual harassment also few focused on the perpetrators

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Survey questionnaire is appropriate methodology to realize and execute, the need to ask female undergrads (N=100) in form of certain statements upon determining beliefs, attitudes, and experiences regarding sexual harassment in student to teacher relationships. Anticipating outcomes will indicate that frequency of sexual harassment report variations as to how broadly the latter can be defined. Negative effects will extend beyond female undergrads that personally experienced it and few female undergrads who experienced harassment reported it. Although the issue of sexual harassment on college campuses has been discussed in the literature for the last five years, little attention has been paid to sex differences in levels of tolerance and attribution of blame in harassment.

The current survey, based on random sample of faculty and students, details sex differences in definitions of harassment, in attitudes toward causes, in attitudes toward romantic relationships between faculty and students, and in attitudes toward university policy. There suggestions that sex differences reflect differing perceptions by men and women of own self-interests within the university as well as the organizational environment, attention is directed to the explanatory power of attribution theory. The sexual harassment of junior, senior, female undergraduate students by male professors, graduate assistants will be investigated to determine female undergrads personal experiences in the classroom, outside the classroom, in job-related settings.

The attitudes toward and acceptance of sexually harassing behaviors is to be measured by ten item Tolerance for Sexual Harassment Inventory, abbreviated as TSHI (Charney and Russell, 1994 p. 12), frequency of initiation of sexual behaviors has to be assessed, indicating greater acceptance of sexual harassment by female students. There can be little difference between female undergrads in frequency of initiating sexual behaviors as this can be in form of reliability coefficients and presenting factor based analysis. The relationship among sexual harassment experiences, perceptions about harassment and attitudes are to be examined in order to investigate the role of ideology and consciousness in reporting of sexual harassment experiences. Nigeria tertiary female undergrads to respond in specific survey as divided by sex and level of harassment experience in factorial design.

Thus, research implications for issues of representativeness of samples in harassment survey research will be discussed respectively. Indeed, certain literature suggests that sexual harassment is widespread phenomenon, sexual harassment produces an array of psychological and physical symptoms in over 90 percent of victims, and 12 percent (Charney and Russell, 1994 p. 10) seek help from mental health care professionals. Then, the fostering of education and research as well as understanding of underlying psychological and gender issues places imperative notion.

Charney DA and Russell RC (1994) An overview of sexual harassment.American Psychiatric Association 1994; 151:10-17. Department of Psychiatry, McGill University, Montreal, Que., Canada


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