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"Implication of science education in Brunei 21st Century Education system"


"Implication of science education in Brunei 21st Century Education system"

One of philosophical debates in education literature focuses on inclusion of multicultural science in science education, multicultural science is seen as important because it can function as pedagogical stepping stone especially for multicultural students of science (Atwater and Riley, 1993; Hodson, 1993; Stanley and Brickhouse, 1994). Ogawa (1995) stresses that "science students must work through both individual and indigenous science understandings in the course of constructing their knowledge of modern science that every culture has its own science and refers to the science in given culture as indigenous science" (Ogawa, 1995, p. 585). According to Ogawa (1995), people must distinguish between two levels of science: individual or personal science and cultural or societal science, referring science as culture dependent collective rational perceiving of reality as the collective means held in similar form by persons allow effective communication independent of any mind sets" (p. 588).

The need to integrate outcomes of research project which examine views on certain range of science teachers using method derived from constructive theory, and the study will have implications for science education in Brunei's education system as of the present time as well as provide pointers to the provision of in service education as applied for secondary curriculum. There is need to examine interpersonal behavior in psychosocial learning environments and to determine the associations between science students' perceptions of interactions with teachers, the cultural background of teachers and such attitudinal outcomes. There will be a sample of 100 students to participate, Questionnaire on Teacher Interaction instrument along with responses from such subscales of Test of Science related Attitudes as part of the attitudinal measures. Significant associations between students' perceptions of teacher interpersonal behavior and cultural background of teachers can be detected. There can show that students perceived favorable interpersonal relationship with teachers in secondary science classrooms in Brunei as for example, noting that they enjoy science lessons more than those in other classes and implications for science instruction in Brunei case context will be assessed and discussed in brief.

The evaluating of attitudes towards and achievement in science of students studying in Brunei as attitudes towards and achievement in science of girls in single-sex schools were moderately better than those of girls in coeducational schools. Whereas the attitudes towards and achievement in science of boys in single-sex schools were only marginally better than the boys in coeducational schools. However, further research to investigate if these differences are repeated at other levels as well as in other subjects, extent to which school type contributed towards these differences is recommended.

What are the views and beliefs of Brunei based science teachers on the nature of science? What are their concerns and needs in tackling this aspect of the science curriculum in the classroom? Will their beliefs and concerns exert influence on the way they present science to Brunei based students? These are the central questions addressed for this research study. In addition, the understanding how science students respond to anomalous data is essential to understanding knowledge acquisition in science classrooms. Research present detailed analysis of ways in which science students respond to the data, analysis of factors that influence which of these seven forms of response student will choose, giving special attention to the factors that make theory change more likely and discussing implications of framework for Brunei based science instruction.

The curriculum specification attempted to broaden the aims of science teaching and to specify sequences for learning. Assessment policy struggled with attempts to enhance formative assessment and with tensions between external tests and teachers' internal assessments. The story illustrates problems about progression in learning, about criterion referencing, about the weak state of formative assessment and about the optimum relationship between external testing and the formative and summative assessment roles of teachers, educators may be tempted to propose innovations which are too radical to succeed within its imperatives of rapid and inexpensive change.


Atwater, M., & Riley, J. (1993). Multicultural science education: Perspectives, definitions, and research agenda. Science Education, 77, 661-668

Hodson, D. (1993). In search of a rationale for multicultural science education. Science Education, 77, 685-711

Ogawa, M. (1995). Science education in a multiscience perspective. Science Education, 79, 593- 593

Stanley, W., & Brickhouse, N. (1994). Multiculturalism, universalism, and science education. Science Education, 78, 387-398

Some readings to consider:

Clark A. Chinn and William F. Brewer The Role of Anomalous Data in Knowledge Acquisition: A Theoretical Framework and Implications for Science Instruction Center for the Study of Reading, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Review of Educational Research, Vol. 63, No. 1, 1-49 (1993)

Harkirat S. Dhindsa and Gilbert Chung Attitudes and achievement of Bruneian science studentsInternational Journal of Science Education, 1464-5289, Volume 25, Issue 8, 2003, Pages 907 - 922

Myint Swe Khine and Darrell L. Fisher Teacher interaction in psychosocial learning environments: cultural differences and their implications in science instructionResearch in Science & Technological Education, 1470-1138, Volume 22, Issue 1, 2004, Pages 99 - 111

Paul Black Curriculum and assessment in science education: the policy interfaceInternational Journal of Science Education, 1464-5289, Volume 17, Issue 4, 1995, Pages 453 - 469


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