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managment cordinatr in immunization Research Proposal

Search more Proposals here : Sample Research Proposal Instructions solomon Abrahm Managing for Quality Part III Introduction Management for quality guide lines management is about decision making the synthesis of known information, perceived privates, immediate, circumstances and desired out comes (Thomson, 1993). In this module the student will reflect upon how he managed himself, team and the organization in the health centre of rural community, while he was assigned as a coordinator. To analyze the situation, he will briefly show the problem with national immunization day (NID) program. Some of the problems will be identified that cause obstacle for the completeness of the vaccination program. Based on that, the nurse will come up with a re-planning and organizing for the successful of the program. Scenario Soon after graduation the student was assigned in the remote district areas of Debub region namely Maimene, in which it is locating in the western part and is 80 KM far away from the capital city of the zone known as Mendefera. The area had an approximate population number of and reaches up to 12.000, more over, their livelihood was depending more on farming and some how trading activities, based on that consensus, the number of children under 5 years- of old were expected to be 6300.further more, the health centre had one health stations which was being administering under it. In September 1999, the student was sign up as coordinator in the rural post campaign mass vaccine by the zonal ministry of health, and whose responsibility was to manage the program and coordinate the national immunization campaign to run as effective and as smooth as possible. These could be by organizing and planning all the necessary materials as well as requesting supplies ahead. More over, he was also monitoring and controlling if any in sufficient quantities during immunization campaign, inventory and or distribution of supplies lacks. If so he was reporting to the zonal management team as soon as possible. How ever, since there was not convenient transportation delaying was common in the area and this was one of the great challenges of the student in the area. More over, one of the student's main activities was to control and organize daily schedule according the activity which was being conducting in the area and by putting the number of man power. Based on that, the activities were going smooth however, since some of the staffs were aggressive and rejecting the student's command and as a result conflict among the staffs was also common. Moreover, the student was coordinating and leading the campaign by daily monitoring and follow up the staff members and organizing data base so as to report all the activities done to the zonal management team according to the time frame of the zone. Generally the campaign had two fixed posts and eight out reach sites, and the expectation coverage of the area to be vaccinated was more than 80% of the children under five years of age, based on the awareness and sensitization done in the community. However, the sensitization done was not efficient enough perhaps, there was a problem and thus resulted poor coverage rather than our expectation. Additionally, since there were not good communication system with the zone and thus had its own impact on the poor coverage achievement. And therefore, by putting all this into consideration the student was intended to organize a meeting with the known decision makers of the community such as: elderly, administrators' official's religious leaders as well as voluntary groups. In addition to that, he was trying to build good communication system with the zonal management team. And that why in the 2ndround all the activities could be conducted effectively and we could get that the target that planned and the coverage was more than enough satisfactory. Back ground of the setting Soon after graduation the student was assigned in the remote district areas of Debub region namely Maimene, in which it is locating in the western part and is 80 KM far away from the capital city of the zone known as Mendefera. The area had an approximate population number of and reaches up to 12.000, more over, their livelihood was depending more on farming and some how trading activities, based on that consensus, the number of children under five years- of old were expected to be 6300. According the plan one team 150 children will expect per day. Further more, the health centre had one health stations which was being administering under it. Generally the campaign had two fixed posts and eight out reach sites, and the expectation coverage of the area to be vaccinated was more than 80% of the children under five years of age, based on the awareness and sensitization done in the community. The student had used for those post camping immunization where four vehicles, and while the community were used on foot and donkey. Overall, the mine actives of the post camping was vitamin 'A" supplements and polio immunization activities was done. And the immunization camping took one week and human resource this post immunization camping holds twenty nurses and thirty community members involved in the activities as volunteers. All the budgeting was adjust by the zonal health services. The student was organized to be preparing adherence to vaccine handling and storage in two locations which mines in the health centre and health station. The student was to manage the program and coordinate the national immunization camping to run as effective and smooth as possible. Self Management In September 1999 the Zonal health service Administrator planed to start National immunization day campaign. The student was sign up as coordinator in the rural post campaign mass vaccine by the zonal ministry of health, and whose responsibility was to manage the program and coordinate the national immunization campaign to run as effective and as smooth as possible. These could be by organizing and planning all the necessary materials as well as requesting supplies ahead. The plane was given to the student with the list of participant's staff members in the health centre and out reach sits and numbers of the under five years children in the Mimena sub zone. There were ten team leaders assigned to follow to each site and guide them in their daily activates of the immunization. Establish a system for documenting, tracking, and evaluating vaccine antiviral uptake, vaccine supplies, and adverse events, and include staffing requirements for these roles and responsibilities. Where available, utilize uniformed security staffs to assist management crowds, secure the vaccine, and protect clinic staff and their valuables. He was made numbers or letters on flags identify the immunization stations. A volunteer calls out the number of the next client and directs that individual to the available station. The line manager is responsible for supervision the staff members' response to an immunization situation, and work in partnership with prevention managers to coordinate the staffing resources required to provide post camping services. First the student was organized to set a work his plan enabled set to clear tasks and responsibility for the staff members, community leaders traditional birth attendant, and community health agents their tasks, able to measure the actual flow and degree implementation of the plane activist in compressing with plane and to set correction action build up a communication plan determine the necessary information supplies needed i.e. clinic info/posters, pamphlets, interpret materials was organized. More over, he was also monitoring and controlling if any in sufficient quantities during immunization campaign, inventory and or distribution of supplies lacks. If so he was reporting to the zonal management team as soon as possible. The student had used for the post camping where four vehicles, and while the community were used to on foot, donkey. Therefore, deliberation to geographic areas the student had been transportation arrangements for transportation problem. From the time when the rood was not comfort for transportation, there was problem had happened and also the vehicle wasn't enough in number to the camping as the result vaccine shortages will exist. What's more delay the immunization activist in the early phases.( How ever, since there was not convenient transportation delaying was common in the area and this was one of the great challenges of the student in the area. ( More over, one of the student's main activities was to control and organize daily schedule according to the activity which was being conducting in the area and by putting the number of man power. And the camping was took seven days and human resource this post immunization camping holds twenty staff nurses and thirty community members involved in the activities. Overall, the mine actives of the post camping was measles, vitamin A supplements and polio immunization activities was done. According to Tommy (2000) statement, planning is the process of the find out goal, objectives and time frames of progress to be conducted in a schedule period of time. From this statement came our awareness that the objectives maintain could not achieve, due to the incorrect planning system have used. Due to this reason the student was forced to drop the plan and re- plan the task (0). Since the camping could not going sufficient number of vaccinated children in case to in proper communication of community leaders, and low knowledge with the community from the vaccination sessions (0). Then the line manager discussed with the team leaders and staff members, voluntary groups' also community administrators, religious leader, elderly, as well as inform to the Zonal health service administrator .The student asked the Zonal health service administrator a higher manager of the work why he decreased the number of the children with out full information of the facilitator? And accept the idea promised to support by send to all community administrators formal information. This is very important to engage the camping also the student was trying to arrangements of the schedule of the task that is in a 2nd round formulated but there was a report by the 1st round. Since, they were assigned to student facilitator in the immunization. Therefore, the student to have organizes the immunization to be effective that is to increase the target 90%under five years old children's in the camping ( ) Time Management Moreover, the student was coordinating and leading the campaign by daily monitoring and follow up the staff members and organizing data base so as to report all the activities done to the zonal management team according to the time frame of the zone. Starting from the beginning of the post immunization camping having many problems, because the work was not often compromised between three factors: the range of the session which will be covered, the depth to which coverage will go and which will be to token ( ). The student strong agrees with this statement and he has made modification of time in the 2nd round. Since the duo to above problem reasons were indicating low results due to improving of the community mostly due to time shortage of schedule and others. Therefore, the campaigns were not practicing perfect ( ). Therefore, to achieve the goal of the objects: a reasonable accommodation was done. Such as modified time the schedule and modification of the equipment and immunization materials. Team Building Based on that, the activities were going smooth however, since some of the staffs were aggressive and rejecting the student's command and as a result conflict among the staffs was also common. Staff members were had conflict and absented this happened problem in command by the line manager. However, when camping started to their district, the team leaders were not able to help them when performing their assigned task and for also very difficult to supervise them. Some staff nurses were disobeying his orders and they were not complete the task activities. So, he had very difficult time in adjusting the activates. The student was solved it by to changing the problematic staff to anther team or group and by gives important feed back on time. (o) After this conflict had been relived, therefore, the student was started also to plan and organize all the post vaccine activities to achieve his objective. Later he was started the post activist (o). The student had developed and established good interpersonal relationships with all staff members. The community administrators had excused to what he did: then they explained that depending on his report, the selection on the location with in the communication channel was not given in consideration and we were facing problem of communication (0). Otherwise the attitude of the seeming disinterested in the community, suffering was due to luck of knowledge and understanding abuts the immunization and could be translated as by family (0) The student made working in partnership with key staff, assist in the development and delivery of key messages to the public and staff members Therefore, either the number of the staffs should be reduced or the student had to re-plan the program. As the result they could get enough time to discus about the problem. The conflict of staffs could very difficult to follow and help them in the camping. Therefore, National mass immunization camping lick any other business process the task could be very wasteful if it is not carefully planed and supervised. () According the manager had experience the plane when discussed with ten team leaders about the additional in the out came of discussion the student identified that the number static outreach was more than one team leader's ability in the camping In this each team leader of the group should have perfect handle the work in checking their plan with the ease itself, because control was on integrated of the process of management and monitoring the performance the task, so that, the expected results will be successfully achieved (Mulliens, 2007). Moreover, team Leaders assesses individuals for contraindications and a precaution administers the vaccine complete documentation; observe vaccine recipients for immediate reaction or complications. Generally the campaign had two fixed posts and eight out reach sites, and the expectation coverage of the area to be vaccinated was more than 80% of the children under five years of age, based on the awareness and sensitization done in the community. Also he was prepared post camping information using posters, pamphlets, interpret materials, community education and meeting was organized. Organization Management Therefore, using the student responsibility was as coordinator in order to have quality work. The student asked the community administers a higher manager of the work why he decreased the number of the children with auto full information of the facilitator? Because line manager have participate in the management and it was vital to be clear about what the object are, we going to achieve our task and to what standards. There fore, the zonal health service Administers should not have altered targets with out counseling with the staff concerned. If changes are necessary they should be agreed jointly. Therefore, the situation instead these plan to re-plan and get the resolution of the camping. In order to solve, the above problem the zonal health administrators given additional feed back. The student had to face challenge how to keep with development and pick up on trends that may affect the camping. So that keeping in mind the general view identified new development and looked at it against the background and it was help full in resolution of the problem (0) Otherwise, the camping could not going the expected knowledge and skill on how to inform the community depending on the program (0) In order to that, implement this immunization with additional number of the staff. In this discussion had with the Zonal and community to organize the camping and the student to have on alternative solution for the camping. Because the program reviewing and re- planning are essential parts of the effective administration this help in the evolution set of activist designed to resolving the value of the program (0) This was the solution decided since the camping was already worked in its daily activities. The student have tried to convince them that there will be briefly explained of them why he choose her as a facilitator depending on the criteria of qualification that he is currently activity in immunization in the camping skill familiarly with the immunization negative practice clinically confident and comfortable handling of the camping.(0) In addition to that, the camping performance the student was scheduled open discussion and the team leaders inviting meeting to ask for clarification if there was unclear. The student had interested on the statement of joy and Temper (2004) stated that, discussion leads to a common conclusion unless and otherwise they are personal problems or unpleasant to the situation. Therefore, this helps him to organize his supervision and the team to have strict follow up of each staff members how to assess, detect and the task effectively according to the immunization protocol. For the reason that the plan was depending on the post camping made indifferent ways and are deal with separate and problem solving of the program used to illustrate the necessary of sharing information.(0) In the time of the camping the subject matter and the student had kept the appropriate records. So that to measure the achieve performance at the end of the camping and post camping evaluate had also given his the right reflection of the immunization in their ability .Through work performance and his supervision. The student identified the weaknesses of the first round in instruct the community leader how to follow the children in taking the order of vaccine the type of vaccine and informed adverse reaction their cause. When they bring her children to the post vaccine and make her know or identify the adverse reaction when her child was fever, so that, to see the health workers, as early as possible. This increased community awareness in the participation the risk of complications and mortality of the cause (Little, 2000) on the other hand mothers must be taught how to keep the children and prevent from risk of complication. So that to shift the balance to word health promotion and illness promotion (0) The organization desire to ensure quality of health care delivery and he have tough the camping in planned stage, using practical exercise to enable and muster the community practice and the student agree with Nightingale idea as stated in (chirela2002) that is could be thoroughly leant in the words of the camping. Since the student would have to under taken additional skills and education in response to future needs for camping to quality service (Thomson 1993) on the other hand it had also a dual function of equipment and motivation that the student achieves greater productivity. To reduced spoiled plane, less need for supervision and greater job satisfaction. How ever, the sensitization done was not efficient enough perhaps, there was a problem and thus resulted poor coverage rather than our expectation. Additionally, since there were not good communication system with the zone and thus had its own impact on the poor coverage achievement. Therefore, the student expenses adding low sensitization and communication and poor command staffing and transportation, the plane was very difficult to control and implementing ( ) The manager had some logistics problem, but he had to face the challenges and solve the problem him self. As a result once this action was implemented for the riming days every thing went smoothly.(0) The student had initially tried to solve the problem being with the identified the cause root of the problem and community compiling. Therefore he attempted to involve each staff members individually to participating to need the solution. And there fore, by putting all this into consideration the student was intended to organize a meeting with the known decision makers of the community such as: elderly, administrators' official's religious leaders as well as voluntary groups. As a result low sensitization and poor communication with community leaders the plane was difficult to control the camping perfectly. Since transportation problem was happening within discomforting rood as a result delay of the activist. In this the immunization student made each team-leader should have perfectly handled the tasks and checking their work it self. Because, controlling was an integrated of the management and monitoring the performance of the work. So that, the expected result would been achieved(0) . Site Selection in cooperation with involved community leaders, administrators determine the number and locations of facilities required to implement immunization. The student was establish a centralized staff scheduling process and rapid recall system, which includes plan for when staff become substitute . In addition to that, he was trying to build good communication system with the zonal management team. And that why in the 2ndround all the activities could be conducted effectively and we could get that the target that planned and the coverage was more than enough satisfactory. This evolution indicated that the schedules were implemented effectively most importantly the number of the children vaccinated increased by90% more than the anticipated target. Conclusion The student has discussed and analyzed all the problems which were encountered in the national immunization day, upon how he has managed himself, the team and the organization in the health centre of rural community when he was assigned as a coordinator. To clarify the situation, he has briefly assessed the problem with national immunization day (NID) program. After identification of the problems the student could able to show his decision making on how to identify and solve problems and re-plan a new well organized program in order to meet the target planned .more over he has also adhered with the problems encountered due to lack of communication system and its impact on quality of service has mentioned briefly. Conclusion The student has tried to organize the camping and shape the health profession to work to gather to words common objectives of the strategy. In this effective plan system was the organization to get with the aim of sensitizations get satisfactory coverage of the children under five years. Even thought, problem arose in the immunization due to in appropriate planning, prior to such activities re- planning was very important to ensure running of the program. The involvement of the line manger in identifying the problem and discuss early on the solution was having a good impact to solve the problems. Despite its problems the camping was successfully in shaping the health person to be merged in to specified roles as human resource in health services. Reference List BERMAN. A., ZINDER. S .J., KOZIER and ERB, 2008. Fundamental of Nursing. 8thed. Upper saddle River: NJ Person Prentice Hall. CHIARELLA, M., 2002. The Legal and Professional Status of Nursing. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingston. ERITREA MINISTRY OF HEALTH Dec, 2007. Health Management Information System. Asmara: sabur Printing Press. ERITREA MINISTRY OF HEALTH, 2004. Professional Nurse Quality Assurance Curriculum. Asmara: sabur Printing Press. ERITREA MINISTRY OF HEALTH Dec, 2003. Post Campaign Immunization and Evolution Report. Asmara: sabur Printing Press. HAYNES, L ., BUTCHER, H and BOESE, T., 2004. Nursing in Contemporary Society: Issues, Trends and Transition to Practice. Upper Saddle River: NJ Pearson Prentice Hall. HOOD, J., and LEDDY, S. K., 2003. Conceptual Bases of Professional Nursing: 5th ed. Edinburgh: Elsevier. 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