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Sample Background and Questions

Tanzania has been pursuing a programme of civil service reform which has emphasized job reduction. In local government the importance of reform and the lack of previous training for the manpower management officers responsible for job reduction are an argument for training, while the complex institutional arrangements of local government and the difficult circumstances in which there works for potential constraint on its effectiveness. The discussion of program's effectiveness leads to discussion of the limited effectiveness of even well-designed training in isolation, and of the complementary organizational and institutional development interventions which are desirable in order to increase its effectiveness.

Tanzania was into bureaucratic affair however, economic liberalisation, multiparty democracy and governance reforms have on the one hand introduced measures conducive to building legal-rational bureaucracy and a liberal civil society, and on the other accelerated political struggle for economic resources through personalised regional networks. However, there maybe problems towards resource allocation and service delivery of the reform programs, looking at some extent to which local government movement have made inroads as there major themes of reform that are unrelated to Tanzania management, such as capacity-building, the control of corruption, political decentralization, public empowerment as well as role of aid donors in reform and the implications this has for the viability of reform efforts.

The economy that is jumpstarted by giving monopoly powers to few prominent people may produce a society that is both lacking in competition and unequal. Care must be taken in starting down the road to reform as strong leadership from the top is needed that moves towards the goal of a more legitimate and better functioning government and sidelines those who have in the past been using the state as a tool for private gain through threats and intimidation. Looking at administrative reform in Tanzania, it is argued that external involvement in sub-Saharan Africa is becoming increasingly differentiated as set of continuities and changes allow conceptualizing regime of post-conditionality. Several regimes exist where extreme external dependence and economic growth produce set of political dynamics in which distinctions become less useful, in which there emerge set of unequal mutual dependencies, pervading the form and processes of the state.

1. What comprises of citizens in the Tanzania region? What are their role and function in strengthening local government of the region? Discuss

2. How is Tanzania government mostly, regards to local government at present times? Does the region's local government reform were on positive assumption? Why?

3. How does local government reform program works, such as those that implies to the financial economy of Tanzania? What are several of the local government reform programs in Tanzania? Name at least 5 of the programs

4. How effective are the local government reform programs? Why several citizens of Tanzania are not satisfied with its local government reform programs? And vice versa

Objectives and Methodology

The pressing need to discover and find out ways and reasons as to why the citizens of Tanzania are not satisfied with local government program as based on secondary sources comprising of reviewed articles and journals. To basically have ideas and concepts that links to the government of Tanzania placing in focus to local government reform programs of the country. Determining levels of satisfaction and dissatisfaction of Tanzania citizens with it comes to government reforms by means of using appropriate methodological approach pertaining case study in survey questionnaire approach. The ideal method organization will comprise of survey statements asking a total of at least 50 citizens of Tanzania, serving in as research respondents. The need to evaluate as well as analyze statements through a five point response system entailing in point 1 to 5 of strongly agree down to strongly disagree. Aside, preliminary literature is imperative for the idealism of case study approach as it is vital for this research to have enough amount of supporting resources that gauge in the deepness of understanding the core research question and that is, 'why citizens are not satisfied with local government reform program?, the Tanzania context.

The questionnaire survey will comprise of three sections. The first adheres to personal data of respondents such as age, gender, education and length of stay in Tanzania. The other two sections will be core survey statements each will have 10 statements totaling to 20 statements. The second section will recognize statements regarding satisfaction levels of Tanzania citizens in the context of local government reform program and respondents will rate the statements accordingly such as for example, Civil Service Program of Tanzania is one of its effective government reforms (1 2 3 4 5) and so on and so forth. The third section will place in dissatisfaction levels of Tanzania citizens of the same notion as above and respondents will put ratings to statements like, presence of graft and corruption kills positive execution of local government reform programs in Tanzania (1 2 3 4 5) and so on and so forth.


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