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Theme of child abuse on Khaled Hosseini's The Kite Runner

Theme of child abuse on Khaled Hosseini's The Kite Runner


Kohistani (2005, p. 20) have indicated that, 'The Kite Runnerderives its name from an ancient Afghan hobby of dueling kites. Kite flyers attempt to down their opponent's kites. In most cases, the kite flyer is encouraged to duel aggressively at high altitudes by 'string giver' who usually holds the string reel while the hands of kite flyers are cut by the ground glass coating of kite string. When the opponent's kite has been downed, then the real battle turns into race, the kite run, to see who retrieves the fallen kite. Further noted that, Hosseini depicts the sociopolitical climate of Afghanistan and the Afghan community living in exile or as immigrants in the United States. Hosseini recreate lost Afghanistan during the last days of the monarchy of Zahir Shah and the regime that overthrew him (Kohistani 2005, p. 20). There explores emigration during the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan and the tragedies of displaced and tired people living in exile, describe the process of immigration and its implications for the expatriate community. The last part gives insight into the Taliban's regime in Afghanistan. Kohistani (2005, p. 20) noted that, as 'Hosseini made clear when visiting our campus, he believe that despite the many media stories about Afghanistan, little has been said about the Afghan people themselves, their culture as well as their traditions how they lived in their country and how they have managed abroad as exiles'.

The readers will then find that the author is telling story he has invented from his life experience as an Afghan American and from what he imagines about those who lived through the turmoil he dramatizes' (Kohistani 2005, p. 20) To create unique story about Afghan people, Hosseini knits together dialectical phrases of Dari and Pashtu with Afghan history, cultural traditions, humor and social criticism as well as confronts many prejudgments that exist in some Afghan groups and families.

Research Questions

  1. What is the Kite Runner about? Tell something about Khaled Hosseini and his work

  2. How the author touches the theme of child abuse? Elaborate and cite examples such as those of Afghanistan context

  3. What about human rights? How can the latter be realized through present reality regarding child abuse?


  1. There is positive relationship of child abuse and human rights

  2. There is negative relationship of child abuse and human rights

Research Methodology

For methodology, applying and executing of preliminary literature (novel/book review) with comprehensive basis on critical discussion and analysis of Khaled Hosseini's novel, The Kite Runner upon such assumptions as well as signifying reflections in specific themes regarding the issues on child abuse in accordance to human rights principles. Furthermore, applying and integrating of case study method and analysis will be a part of this research presenting cases specifically cases of Rashed and Najia, Khushal Arsala as written by Sheetal Khemchandani-Daswani. Moreover, have in-depth analysis towards The Kite Runner chronicles the lives of Amir and Hassan within politically, socially and culturally charged landscape that is Afghanistan. Indeed, for community settings or small group settings, it may be sufficient to use only the movie and not on the novel as a means for discussion in order to amiably spark dialogue and debate linking to child abuse.

Several Themes

  1. Child Abuse Assumptions

  2. Afghanistan: Face of Child Abuse

  3. Child Abuse Experience in Afghanistan

  4. Child Abuse and Human Rights

  5. Peaceful Resolution and Implications



human rights education program pp. 1-64

Hosseini, Khaled (2003). The Kite Runner. Riverhead Books.

Kohistani, Arezo (2005). Reason and Respect (Review: Khaled Hosseini. The kite runner. New York: Riverhead Books, 2003) Vol. 1 Issue 2 Article 15, Berkeley Electronic Press


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