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Creating Cluster Parks for the Efficacy of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises in Developing Countries: Evidence from Nigeria

Creating Cluster Parks for the Efficacy of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises in Developing Countries: Evidence from Nigeria


The research outcomes will put in great contribution allowing the efficacy of MSMEs in Nigeria to happen as there adheres to such cluster parks creation pathways. Truly, dissemination is being acknowledged as important component of the process being used in the coverage of this research. The presence of African based project have researched theoretical and practical aspects of dissemination for MSMEs efficacy, as evident in Nigeria as there include cases, some literature organization, bibliography as well as selected journals and articles relating to cluster parks, MSMEs efficacy and Nigeria. For the study, the known dissemination is about creating cluster parks in order to attain efficacy of MSMEs to be adopted by Nigeria also communication and innovation domains regarding the latter will be in part, preliminary literature studies will occur as well as systematic methods realization in positive approach for discussion and analysis. The utilization of research findings from within policy or practice has been in subtle and indirect process as effective account on MSMEs efficacy for Nigeria will be an important aspect of this research dissemination as because the audience for cluster parks related research places informative, dissemination will need to meet various literature posits coming from journals and articles explaining the topic focus. In addition, there may be barriers to effective MSMEs presence, allocating cluster parks development in lieu to efficacy level of such assimilation. The enhancing of evidence between methods employed by the researcher and developing contacts and networks, allowing to integrate effective dissemination strategies for MSMEs in Nigeria will adhere issues towards some method based issues as well as several gaps in research.


The current efficacy for cluster parks options might result in somewhat limited dissemination stage of research as the duty of researcher is to share knowledge and that effective dissemination of MSMEs does require active and systematic literature approach which gave to be resourced throughout the study. There are ways of making research amenable to the needs of policy makers and policy makers more sympathetic to the needs of researcher by investing in greater analysis of the links between research and policy. There will be showing how cluster parks assume efficacy for MSMEs, Nigerian based as placed into the research process, assuming rational model of policy process. By acknowledging certain barriers to research affecting policy it becomes easier to build strategies around the dissemination of research so that it becomes more accessible to policy makers. The researcher need to take into account the extent to which politics may affect how much notice policy makers take of research findings, they need to consider how far scientific uncertainty leads to distortion or inaction in policy making and they need to consider issues around timing and communication of research results, recognizing policy makers' short term horizons and the need for clear presentation of MSMEs findings. The need to pay attention to the policy environment, looking not just at policy content, but also at the processes of policy. By using policy analysis framework it is possible to identify and overcome clustering barriers to allow ideal MSMEs research putting weight to efficacy options being evident in Nigeria. Furthermore, innovation is a process which results from various interactions among different actors as theories of innovation emphasize clusters and geographical proximity as loci of knowledge, development and exchange, critical to higher levels of innovation and regional growth. The need to investigate innovation activities and networking towards efficacy of MSMEs in Nigeria, setting in empirical research as MSMEs in Nigeria may rely on cluster networks in lieu to potential sources of MSMEs concepts and ideas to be analyzed along with critical evaluation of literature base and support. The clusters provide competitive advantage as rooted in local institutional systems as MSMEs clusters, which encompasses interconnected base in designated Nigeria concentrations, show competitive advantages for industrial development with substantial resources rooted in Nigeria systems including government, business and academia aspects, it is essential that MSMEs advantage in Nigeria for such clusters will have to be strengthened and sustained to enhance cluster development, generate MSMEs innovation and increase Nigeria's economic growth (Sun, Lin and Tzeng, 2009 p.11895). Indeed, to contribute to the driving forces for growth of MSMEs based cluster and finding out efficacy levels among such cluster parks developments and other salient process. Moreover, promotion of MSMEs in Nigeria and broader framework in research rank ample priorities for efficacy as brought about by MSMEs dominance into certain simulations of cluster making alternatives confronting Nigeria industry and its government.

References and further reading may be available for this article. To view references and further reading you must purchase this article. The number of people engaged in micro and small enterprises increases as result of new enterprises being started and through an expansion of existing activities. As a partial offset to these increases, employment declines when existing businesses cease operations (Mead and Liedholm, 1998 p. 61). The need to draw upon current survey work to examine magnitude and determinants of MSMEs efficacy in accordance to cluster parks adaptation. To explore ways in which diverse research source are being influenced by Nigeria's economy as well as examine imperative policy and research implications (Mead and Liedholm, 1998 p. 61).

References and further reading may be available for this article. To view references and further reading you must purchase this article.

Mead, D. and Liedholm, C. (1998) 'The dynamics of micro and small enterprises in developing countries'. World Development, Vol. 26 Issue 1, January 1998, pp. 61-74

Sun, C. Lin, G. and Tzeng, G.H. (2009) 'The evaluation of cluster policy by fuzzy MCDM: Empirical evidence from HsinChu Science Park', Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 36 Issue 9, November 2009 pp. 11895-11906


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