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Research Proposal on the needs of saudi diabetic patients to diabetic care centres in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Sample Research Proposal Instructions

The Research Proposal should be quantitive, desciptive, explorative design to identify the needs of saudi diabetic patients to diabetic care centres in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.. (2,000 words)

Marking Guide:


As well as informing you what is required, the statements listed below should be used as subheadings to 'sign post' to your audience what is to follow [NB these are standard subheadings used in a research proposal]

1.Summary of project
2.Description of project
3.Rationale/background to the study
4.Research Method/Plan

1. Summary of the project
Provide a Succinct summary (200words) outlining the nature and scope of the inquiry & expected outcomes

This section should read like an 'abstract' and provide your audience with a 'plain language
summary' of the nature of the proposed study (e.g. 'This Naturalistic Inquiry…'/'This randomised
clinical trial …'), where located ('to be conducted in 'a tertiary teaching hospital in Metropolitan
Melbourne…'), its focus/purpose ('has as its focus the exploration, description and critique of…'/
'seeks to test …'), scope ('involving in-depth interviews of a purposeful sample of n=20
participants…'/ 'the administration of drug X to …'), and key aims ('The key aims underpinning
this study are...').

NB It IS possible to do this in 200words (in fact, some funding bodies only allow 150 words for
the summary part of an application).

2. Brief description stating: the type of research; the research question/problem to be addressed; key aims; significance of the inquiry to the field of nursing/midwifery; expected outcomes; anticipated socio-economic benefits.

This section is really an expanded version of the 'Plain language summary' (above). Thus, as you write it, you will feel like you are repeating yourself- this is normal! Here you need to provide a
succinct but informative statement (again) about: the type of research; the research question/ problem to be addressed; key aims; significance of the inquiry; anticipated outcomes (including anticipated socio-economic benefits). The link between all of these things needs to be apparent (which again might have a feel of 'repetition' about it). Thus, for example, if one of the questions informing you research is 'What do nurses know and understand about X', then one of the aims of your research SHOULD be to 'discover' or 'explore' (and describe) what nurses know and understand about X…'

Rationale/background to the study
3. Rationale for project, outlining background to the study & demonstrating its link with other published research/peer-reviewed literature in the field.

Here you need to present a case (with reference to the literature relevant to the issue/ topic being researched) to convince your audience why the research is warranted – i.e. why is it important (if at all) to do this research (what is in it for the rest of us)? Why is it important that is conducted NOW? What beneficial outcomes do you anticipate achieving by undertaking the study?
(You need to state these).

Your reference to and discussion of the literature (which must also be assessed for its credibility) should aim to do two things: provide a background to the study (provide your audience with relevant information about the issue – NB. don't assume that it knows as much as you about it) and identify questions/issues that need to be addressed (this may include the identification of 'gaps' in the literature –e.g. 'Despite X being critical to the delivery of safe and effective nursing care, there is a curious lack of published research on X (the subject) and hence it is not known/not possible to "make a case for X" to be incorporated into…. A key aim of this proposed research is to redress this oversight…'.

Research method
4. Correctly presented methods section/plan of the steps that will be taken to conduct the research
This is a critical component of your plan – get this wrong and your project won't succeed. In this section of your proposal you need to describe succinctly, with reference to the relevant methodological literature, the steps (plan of action) you will take in order to conduct the study. NB It
is important that, when writing up this section, you use the CORRECT STEPS as per the method you have chosen and that are also described in foundational texts on the method (e.g. If undertaking a Naturalistic Inquiry, you should at least refer to Lincoln and Guba's classic work; if undertaking a Grounded Theory study you should at least refer to trauss and Corbin's classic work, and so forth – please check the recommended readings as listed on your seminar notes for the methods taught)

When writing up the 'Method' you should use, as subheadings, the following:
•Sample (describe type, size, selection criteria, and how will access)
•Data collection (describe the processes you will use for collecting data – e.g. in-depth interviews;
•survey questionnaire, etc)
•Data analysis (describe how you propose to actually go about analysing the data – you need to describe all steps as per your chosen method, which should be described under relevant sub-sub-headings)
•Dissemination of findings (describe how you propose to make the findings of your study known to others)
•Time frame/ research schedule (present a hypothetical time frame as per each of the steps; use a 12month calendar – estimate how many weeks/months you think you will require to complete each of the steps planned/described)
•Processes for ensuring research rigour (describe, under the relevant subheadings what processes you will follow to ensure the rigour of your study – NB this will depend on whether you are doing a Qualitative or quantitative study; e.g. if undertaking a qualitative study, you will need to discuss: Credibility, 'Fittingness', Auditability, Confirmability, Triangulation, or other criteria as suggested in the methods literature - Please refer to your seminar notes pertinent to this issue)

2. Ethical Issues


Ethical Issues
Correctly identifies all key ethical issues raised by the project AND demonstrates how researcher will uphold NHMRC standards of ethical research practice in relation to the issues identified

You also need to include , under a separate subheading 'Ethical issues' , a discussion of the steps you prose to take to ensure that you comply with research ethics standards. Your discussion should proceed under a set of sub-subheadings – e.g. Informed consent, privacy and confidentiality, assessment of participant vulnerability and processes you prose for addressing participant vulnerability, security of research data, retention and security of records, etc (refer to RMIT Ethics guidelines and Seminar notes).

3. Style & Presentation


1. Follows prescribed format for a research proposal; conforms with standards of assignment writing;
2. Statement of research problem, research questions and aims follow in a coherent and logical manner
3. References cited correctly

This marking criteria is straight forward (for further information on Item 2 – refer to your Seminar notes pertaining to this issue)


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