Motivation Strategies for Teachers & Education Staff to Retain Indigenous Students in the Northern Territory and Successful Completion of Yr 12 studies. Indigenous Yr. Research Proposal
Search more Proposals here : Sample Research Proposal Instructions This proposal is due Monday 17.8.09. The requirement is 300 words. Research Project Stage 1 Proposal submission. 20% One page (300 words max) Monday 17 August 2009 Assignment 1: Proposal Submission The submission must be feasible and manageable within the available time frame. It must show evidence of having incorporated suggestions from other members of the research group and peer-evaluation. It must be clearly expressed and formatted and include a rationale (the reasons for undertaking the project), the research question(s), definitions of key terms, the proposed methodology, and the expected outcomes. Due date: Monday 17 August 2009 Length: 300 words Preparation: Collaborative writing Presentation: Complete on Writeboard if you are working with a group of your peers in this unit and submit to Learnline for signing off by lecturer. If you are working on your own, please make it clear that you have collaborated with others in the development of your proposal. Submit your assignment by clicking on the link below. Assessment Criteria: • Declaration of understanding signed • Convincing rationale provided • Research question(s) stated • Definitions of key terms provided • Proposed methodology outlined • Expected outcomes/benefits explained. • Evidence of careful planning and collaboration.