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Sample Research Proposal on A Proposal for Diabetes Education for Community Health and Wellness


            The rate of individuals having diabetes is increasing at a rapid pace over the past years and is now on the top ten cause of death among people. It is a very serious disease that needs to be addressed immediately. Education is one of the most effective tools in preventing any disease. In this proposal four communities in an area will be randomly selected and perform different kinds of educational program and from the four communities a survey will be made and the answers of the respondents will be analysed in order to determine the best method of educating the community regarding diabetes.

Background/ Rationale

            Diabetes is one of the rising diseases in the world today. According to the National Diabetes Clearing House (2007) there is an approximately 20.8 million people in the United States that have diabetes. It is a disease wherein the body does not provide enough insulin or the body does not utilise the insulin appropriately (American Diabetes Association, 2007). Insulin is an important hormone of the body because it is necessary to convert starches, sugar and other food. Moreover, the American Diabetes Association have pointed out that the prevalence of diabetes in individuals under the age of 20 is 0.22%, for persons over the age of 20 but not more than 60 the rate of prevalence is 9.6% and for individuals 60 years old and above the rate of occurrence is 20.9%. In the United States diabetes is now the fifth-deadliest disease and death toll in diabetes is increasing annually. There are a number of causes of diabetes it can be hereditary, infection from a virus or bacteria, chemical exposure, obesity, age and physical inactivity (Guthrie and Guthrie, 2007). The increasing number of overweight and obese individuals particularly the children in the United States raises the risk of having Type 2 Diabetes. Diabetes is a serious disease that must be addressed as early as possible, and one of the best ways to prevent or determine the disease is through education.




            This proposal attempts to address the issue regarding educating people on the types, causes, risks and other impacts of diabetes on an individual and his or her family. The main purpose of this study is to develop an educational program of Diabetes in a community wherein the prevalence of diabetes is high.   


            The rate of diabetes in the United States is alarming and there are still a number of people who do not have enough information regarding diabetes, through having an educational program to communities, the people will have an idea and knowledge about diabetes and will know the different ways in which the disease could be prevented or determined early on. The diabetes education will also have an impact on the community because through it the people will become more aware about diabetes. This study will also benefit future studies that tackle diabetes.

Specific Objectives

To determine if education is a useful tool in the awareness and prevention of diabetes in the community, to compare different approaches of education and its impact to community and to determine the best program in educating the people regarding diabetes.


            Educating the community is an effective tool in making the community aware and understand diabetes. The most efficient method of educating the community is through teaching them in five hours once a week.


            The research will utilise a quantitative analysis of the study. Moreover a experimental mode of inquiry will be used to determine is the intervention works. The nature of the research is descriptive and will employ random sampling. Four communities that have high prevalence of diabetes will be randomly selected by the researcher through random sampling. The first community will be educated through giving hand-outs and pamphlets once a week for 1 month. The second group would be educated only once but for a whole day. The third group will be educated only twice in one month. The fourth group will be educated four times in one month. After one month data will be collected using survey, wherein the written questionnaires will be administered to the sample population. The results will then be analysed to determine which among the four types of educational programme for diabetes is the most effective.

Study Budget

            The budget for the whole research for one month is $ 240.

            $ 60 ----------- books

            $ 50 ----------- pamphlets and handouts

            $ 50 ----------- marketing

            $ 30 ----------- questionnaires

            $ 50 ----------- miscellaneous expenses


            $ 240 --------- Total budget



            The time line for the whole study is three months starting from the month of July to September 2007. During the month of July the curriculum for educating the community will be created from July 1 to July 10 and it will be submitted to the professors for revisions. From July 15 up to July 25 the revisions will be made and the final curriculum will be presented to the professor for approval. Starting the month of August the intervention will start. And on the first week of September the survey will be made and then the analysis and creation of the research will be made from September 8 to September 27. In September 29 the final paper will be submitted.


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