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Sample Research Proposal on Do Principles of CAS Help Us Understand How Virtual Teams Organize Themselves?

Introduction and Background of the Study

            The concept of complex adaptive systems (CAS) has been already discussed in diverse contexts, from "cells to societies, in general with reference to the self-organization of complex entities, across scales of space, time and organizational complexity (Levin, 2002, p. 3)." An example of such perspective is the industry-oriented setting, wherein countless organizations co-exist in a multifaceted business environment. With such reality, one could construe that organizations operate in various complicated situations that are constantly affected by different elements that may pose adverse or positive influences to such corporations.

In connection to this, in today's modern business society, organizations are now able to operate effectively amidst limitations brought about by various factors such as geography, time, space, and other corporate boundaries. To illustrate, team members of numerous organizations no longer have to be housed in a single place to be able to work together towards the accomplishment of company goals. This ability of organizations to exist and develop while its human resources work separately as individuals who may come from various locations is made possible by different forms of technological advancements that strengthen the webs of communication technology. These situations brought about the emergence of what is presently termed as virtual teams.

However, communication instruments are not the only tools essential to the sustenance of effective virtual teams. It is also necessary for these teams to be composed of human resources who have corresponding capabilities that would be utilized towards the realization of the goals of the company they work for. In this context, it has therefore been established that the individual or personal development of the members of virtual teams is in parallel relation to complex adaptive organizational systems. These two factors, in turn, have an effect on the emergence of an alternative managerial system in organizations.



Research Questions


This research would examine the parallel relationship and influence of two factors that contribute to the emergence of an alternative managerial system in organizations, which would make such corporations more creative, and, eventually adaptive. These two factors are namely individual development and complex adaptive organizational systems. Actually, individual development refers to the progress and changes attained by an individual as part of his/her contribution to the organization. On the other hand, "Complex adaptive systems are special cases of complex systems. They are complex in that they are diverse and made up of multiple interconnected elements and adaptive in that they have the capacity to change and learn from experience" (wikipedia, 2007).

Thus, this particular research project is a study of the application of complex adaptive systems (CAS) present in IBM and Microsoft. This research paper also presents an evaluation and analysis of the complex adaptive systems (CAS) in the perspective of these companies and that of the customers. The study gives light on how these companies were able to avail increased in development and profit through the implementation of an efficient marketing and delivery of its products and services in using complex adaptive systems (CAS).

            This study will attempt to answer the following questions:

1.                             What are the advantages and the disadvantages of complex adaptive systems (CAS) to IBM and Microsoft?

2.                             What are the advantages and the disadvantages of complex adaptive systems (CAS) to IBM and Microsoft's customers?

3.                             How do IBM and Microsoft implement the complex adaptive systems (CAS) as a successful computer-based and computer-operated business organization?

4.                             Is there any significant difference between the performance of complex adaptive systems (CAS) in IBM and Microsoft?

5.                             Is there any significant relationship between individual development and complex adaptive system (CAS) with respect to the overall progress of IBM and Microsoft?


Significance of the Study

            In such a complex business environs, organizations that operate amidst complex adaptive systems should therefore have awareness and thorough understanding of how they would be able to promote individual development of their human resources, towards the creation of alternative managerial systems.  This research, then, would provide necessary information on the parallel relationship of individual development and complex adaptive systems, through a comparison of two organizations. The study would also present how inadequate focus on the aforementioned factors affects companies; on the other hand, the research would likewise provide how effective individual development of human resources and complex adaptive systems could help organizations towards the formation of alternative managerial systems that would make them more adaptive to the business environment wherein they exist.


Review of Related Literature

            According to research performed by Beinhocker (1997), complex adaptive systems are characterized by three traits, namely they are open and dynamic systems, they are made up of interacting agents, and that they display emergence and self-organization (p. 24). The fact that complex adaptive systems are characterized by openness dispute the idea of the Marshall ball-in-a-bowl method, or the concept that organizations could settle into a stable state since no energy or entity could affect and influence them. In reality, organizations exist in a dynamic environment, bordering on chaotic, wherein there is continuous motion and occurrences that influence the external and internal operations of corporations.

            In connection to this, complex adaptive systems are also composed of a multitude of agents, such as people, or computer programs, as could be exemplified by real-world markets. Such agents perform complex interactions that are difficult to predict because "what each agent does affects one or more others (Beinhocker, 1997, p. 4)." Because of these circumstances, agents or team members are then directed by set rules; and if these rules develop and progress, the result, then, is a complex adaptive system.

            Lastly, complex adaptive systems show self-organization and emergence. When people work alone, they could not accomplish much for the organization they work for. However, when they are placed in situations wherein they could interact and work with other people, they are able to achieve their personal aims and the goals of the company itself. And since such human resources rise out of bottom-up dynamic interactions, as opposed to a top-down master plan, complex adaptive systems are then considered capable of self-organization and emergence (Beinhocker, 1997, p. 4).

            With these characteristics and concepts of complex adaptive systems, one could then immediately realize the relationship between complex adaptive systems and the formation and existence of virtual teams. According to a wide range of studies, virtual teams could pose a number of advantages for organizations, since they are able to work together amidst limitations with regard to travel, expenses, and time. More than this, virtual teams are also able to maximize the capabilities of human resources for they are able to include individuals from other partner companies, external consultants, and the like. In connection to this, virtual teams are also able to hire and maintain skilled human resources who prefer arrangements followed by virtual teams (Buono & Kerber, 2004, p. 4).

            However, according to studies by Bell and Kozlowski (2002), Cascio (2000), as well as Henry and Hartzler (1998), there are numerous challenges that face virtual teams (as cited in Buono & Kerber, 2004, p. 4). Since the members of such groups are not able have face-to-face interactions, there is a bigger challenge for them to align and eventually achieve the goals of the organization they work for. Furthermore, there are also problems with regard to misunderstanding and conflict, since virtual teams only communicate through electronic communication technologies that could oftentimes break down or not work properly.

            With this, it has been realized that members of virtual teams are expected to perform more serious and more demanding responsibilities, as compared to team members who are able to see each other personally and interact or communicate through face-to-face means. According to Bell and Kozlowski (2002), virtual team members are "expected to fulfill multiple roles, problem-solving and implementing solutions with colleagues, some of whom they had never met in person (as cited in Buono & Kerber, 2004, p. 4)." With this, it could be construed that members of virtual teams should undergo training, education, and other processes that would enable them to be more individually developed and competent.



Maharishi Vedic Science: An Overview

            Maharishi Vedic Science is derived from the Vedic tradition of India; the term "vedic" comes fro the Sanskrit word "veda" which is translated as the absolute and enduring knowledge of Natural Law ("Maharishi Vedic Science," 2006). To be more specific, Maharishi Vedic Science has been termed as the science and technology of a person's consciousness. Advocates of this field aspire to promote the absolute progress and growth of human consciousness, in order to keep away from the mistakes that bring about personal distress to people and wide-reaching suffering to the world as a whole ("Maharishi Vedic Science," 2006).

            From these ideas, one could easily perceive the interconnection of the concepts of individual development, complex adaptive systems, as well as virtual teams. It was earlier discussed that virtual teams exist in complex adaptive systems, or a business environment that could be considered as dynamic and ever-changing. Moreover, these teams are composed of members that perform complex interactions and are therefore guided by a set of rules in order for them to be effective agents. With these, it is assumed that human resources who belong in virtual teams are expected to be competent and skilled so as to overcome conflicts and other forms of obstacles that hinder efficient and successful performance. And one recently celebrated method that would bring about such individual development to these people could be derived from practices that are in line with the nature of Maharishi Vedic Science. Consequently, once members of virtual teams who exist in complex adaptive systems have practiced methods of Maharishi Vedic Science, it could be assumed that they would be more creative and adaptive, towards the rise of an alternative managerial system.



Research Hypothesis

            Hence, from the previous thorough discussions and review of related literature, the subsequent hypothesis is formulated—individual development and complex adaptive organizational systems are of parallel relations which could be utilized by corporations towards an alternative managerial system. Basically, this paper attempts to have an in-depth investigation to the existing practices of two organizations engaged in CAS and makes use of virtual teams. The differences and similarities of these organizations will be investigated.

            In order to be able to acquire data and information so as to answer this study's problem, this researcher would conduct a study that would focus on two organizations that exists in a complex adaptive system and makes use of virtual teams—the multinational computer technology corporations, IBM and Microsoft . The reason behind of choosing IBM is because according to Loebbecke & Jelassi (1997), it is one company that has been transformed into a virtual organization that would prepare them for the 21st century business setting (as cited in Eom & Lee, 2002, p. 24). Apparently, the researcher would also conduct the same investigation to Microsoft since it is the world's largest software company by sales, profit or market capitalization. It also extends, manufactures, licenses, and sustains a wide range of software products for computing devices that shows existence of complex adaptive system and makes use of virtual teams (Microsoft annual Report, 2005).


Research Method

            The study intends to investigate the role of individual development and complex adaptive systems in virtual teams.  For this study, primary research and secondary research will be used. Primary research will be conducted using the data of performance of IBM and Microsoft. To verify these data, in-depth face-to-face interviews to key individuals that would produce answers to research's purpose was also conducted. These individuals or population sample are namely the head of the organizations, the manager or supervisor of the virtual teams to be considered, and the members of the virtual teams. Thus, the researcher will be conducting face-to-face interview to the managers or related head personalities in IBM and Microsoft. The data will be analyzed and compiled for the correlation of the hypothesis. The data will then be presented by means of graphical representations and illustration and the difference would be highlighted.

Apparently, the insights of customers regarding CAS as part of development in IBM and Microsoft is also important, thus the researcher prepared survey questionnaires. These survey questionnaires are sent to IBM and Microsoft customers. Here, the questionnaires will be used to collect quantitative data and will be used to provide qualitative insights into the data collected.

The secondary information would be collected from the journals, articles in magazines and Internet related to CAS. The impact of individual development and CAS on the virtual teams and consumer' minds for IBM and Microsoft was understood through both primary and secondary research. As review of primary research, the company's side of view was provided by the IBM and Microsoft Manager, supervisors and virtual team heads presented their views on the interview. What the consumers thought of individual development and CAS would also study through surveys and various reports and journals from magazines.

As stated, this research will partially base its findings through qualitative research method because it will try to find and build theories that will explain the relationship of one variable with another variable through qualitative elements in research. Through this method, qualitative elements that do not have standard measures such as behavior, attitudes, opinions, and beliefs within the business domain will be analyzed. This study will also employ quantitative research methods because this permits a flexible and iterative approach. During data gathering the choice and design of methods are constantly modified, based on ongoing analysis



Research Plan

For this research method, the researcher will gather data, collate published studies from different local and foreign universities and articles from social science journals; and make a content analysis of the collected documentary and verbal material.  Afterwards, the researcher will summarize all the information, make a conclusion based on the null hypotheses posited and provided insightful recommendations on the achievements of IBM and Microsoft through complex adaptive system. The quantitative and qualitative research techniques that will be employed in this present study are discussed in detail below.



For the face-to-face interview part, open-ended questions will be used to obtain as much information as possible about how the interviewees feel about the research topic. The researcher will interview 10 (i.e. 5 in IBM and 5 in Microsoft) purposively selected individuals who are familiar to CAS and related to IBM and Microsoft.

The researcher will design a semi-structured interview. Using this type of interview enables the researcher/interviewer probe deeper on the issues of achieving business value through strategic alignment. Unlike structured interviews which are standardised and do not allow the interviewer to deviate from the questions (Saunders, Lewis, and Thornhill, 2003), this type of interview does not limit response of the interviewees.

Open questioning, in addition, will help me explore the topic and produce a fuller account. In this case, interviewees are encouraged to clarify vague statements and to further elaborate on brief comments. The researcher also will not share my own beliefs and opinions so as not to influence the answer of the interviewee. Importantly, the researcher will avoid leading questions and showing personal bias as these may result to interviewee or response bias (Saunders, Lewis, and Thornhill, 2003).

In face-to-face interview, the distribution and collation methods that will be used to manage the process will ensure anonymity. A cover letter will explain to them what the research is all about and how the researcher intends to regard the interview with high confidentiality. The results from the interview will be given in question and answer format and content analysis will be drawn from the interviews to identify the role of CAS in achieving business success.



            The researcher will design a questionnaire for the survey. The primary aim of the questionnaire is to determine the perception of the customers regarding individual development CAS as part of success of IBM and Microsoft. The ideal number of customers to be surveyed is 30. This research will use a mixture of closed questions and more open comments in the questionnaire.  A closed question is one that has pre-coded answers. The simplest is the dichotomous question to which the respondent must answer yes or no.

            Through closed questions, the researcher will be able to limit responses that are within the scope of this study. For example, the researcher intends to ask the respondents what they think of CAS in general. Using a multiple choice method, the answer of the respondents would be within the one of the limited expected answers of the researcher. Thus the researcher will design a closed question type to remain focused on the statement of the problem and on the main purpose of the study.  However, the researcher will nevertheless extend the closed questions with the comments option to be able to gather qualitative data for this study.

            In addition, closed questions will be used in the survey because the answers are easy to analyse and are straightforward as target respondents are mostly busy that they do not have enough time to give attention to open questions.  Closed response questions save the respondent having to think of possible replies.


Validity of the Data

            For validation purposes, the researcher will initially submit a sample of the set of survey questionnaires and after approval; the survey will be conducted to five respondents. After the questions were answered, the researcher will ask the respondents for any suggestions or any necessary corrections to ensure further improvement and validity of the instrument.  The researcher will again examine the content of questions to find out the reliability of the instrument. The researchers will exclude irrelevant questions and will change words that would be deemed difficult by the respondents, too much simpler terms.


Administration of the Instrument

The researcher will exclude the five respondents who will be initially used for the validation of the instrument. The researcher will also tally, score and tabulate all the responses in the provided questions.

On the other hand, the interview shall be using a structured interview. It shall consist of a list of specific questions and the interviewer does not deviate from the list or inject any extra remarks into the interview process. The interviewer may encourage the interviewee to clarify vague statements or to further elaborate on brief comments. Otherwise, the interviewer attempts to be objective and tries not to influence the interviewer's statements. The interviewer does not share his/her own beliefs and opinions. The structured interview is mostly a "question and answer" session.


Form of Presentation

            This study is composed of five chapters. The First Chapter will present the background of the study, the objectives, research problems, the study's scope and limitation and its significance. In Chapter 2, literatures pertaining to individual development and complex adaptive system are reviewed. In Chapter 3, the methodology used for this study is discussed. In Chapter 4, the results of the gathered information, conducted survey and interview are presented. And in Chapter 5, the study summarizes the findings and provides conclusion and recommendations.



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