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Sample Research Proposal on The Best and Suitable Leadership Styles For The Public Sector In United


Leadership is seen as the one and the only solution to the need for change that faces the rapidly changing world of organizations. As such, it should be emphasized as a crucial factor especially in modernized countries such as the United Arab Emirates. However, Lane (1998) claimed that leadership in public management is more difficult than in business and complicated in many respects. This is caused by the different organizational design, structure, objectives, evaluation, openness of procedures, rules, technology and professionalism. Leadership style is less innovative and is based on a unique motivation and less entrepreneurial (Gadot & Cohen, p. 2004, 228).

Today, UAE has focused its public administration in providing effectiveness and efficiency. It aims to attain excellence and quality service in its public organizations. This can be attained by promoting leadership styles that will help achieve the goals of the public organizations. Thus, this research paper will focus on the leadership styles that is suitable to the setting and the cultural context of public sector in the United Arab Emirates.

Research Questions

This study aims to answer the following research questions

  • What is public sector leadership?
  • What is the current leadership style in UAE's public sector
  • What other leadership styles can be adopted in the public sector aside from the current approach?
  • What are the differences between these leadership styles in terms of effectiveness?
  • Which leadership style is best suitable for the UAE public sector?


This study attempts to achieve the following objectives

  • To identify the present leadership styles in the UAE public sector
  • To identify the suitable leadership styles 
  • To identify the barriers to the adoption of leadership styles

Significance of the Study

This study will contribute significantly in broadening the knowledge about public sector leadership specifically in the United Arab Emirates. It will serve as a reference to public sector organizations that aim to improve the quality of services through adopting leadership styles that will improve efficiency and effectiveness. The study will also contribute to the literature in public sector leadership which remains limited to date.

Review of Literature

Public Sector Leadership in UAE

In the UAE, the ongoing reform and modernization of the civil service has led to the increase attention to the efficiency and effectiveness of governmental units. The focus is on excellence and quality service in public organizations ('United Arab Emirates General Structure of Public Administration', 2007). As the UAE public sector moves into the 21st century, increasing attention is given to the search for new avenues to improve performance. With the lead of the private sector, it is undergoing initiatives to improve quality and levels of customer service (Remenyi, 2005, p. 33). The government institutions are embarking on several public sector programmes to improve public sector management and efficiency. Several federal reform programmes are spearheaded by the Ministry of Finance and Industry to include the quality management in all federal ministries. There is also growing commitment to the public sector reform at the emirate level with quality management being widely implemented especially in the emirate of Dubai ('Second country cooperation framework for the united Arab Emirates', 2001).

In this context, leadership becomes very important. The extent to which the leader is able to impose and communicate the visions to the organization is the most salient aspect of leadership. It is suggested that the key to influencing the performance in the public organizations is the ability of the leader to use positive reinforcements and negative reinforcements (Gadot & Trory, 2006, p. 7). Thus, transformational leadership style influences the innovation and the effectiveness of the public organizations. However, Lowe et al (1996) expected that the public sector leaders will be less transformational due to the mechanistic-bureaucratic structure (as cited in Bass & Riggio, p. 93).

Aside from this, the Arab culture affects the leadership styles. First is shapes the preferences of the leaders; and also defines what is acceptable to the subordinates. Leaders cannot choose their styles at their will and most of the time is constrained by the cultural conditions in which they have been socialized and that their subordinates have come to expect. In the UAE, autocratic style is compatible since a great deal of power inequality is practiced. Leaders are expected to be tough and strong because (Robbins, 2001, p. 98)

The system functioning today is authoritarian. There are none of the classic attributes of democratization although a survey indicated that a large percent of the UAE nationals favored democratization. This issue is not predominant discussion whether in public or private sector (Rugh, 1997, p. 18). Power rests in the hands of the ruler who make all the important decisions be it collective or individual.

According to Hofstede (1991) leadership in United Arab Emirates is characterized by large power distance and uncertainty avoidance. This is an indication that leaders are expected and accepted to separate themselves from the from the group and issue complete and specific directives. It is highly rule-oriented with laws, rules regulations and controls so that the amount of uncertainty in reduced. More so, the inequalities of power and wealth are allowed to flourish in the society ('Geert Hofstede Analysis on United Arab Emirates', 2007). 

The combination of these two dimensions creates a situation where the leaders have the most power and authority and the rules, laws and regulations reinforce their own leadership and control in the society. The leadership is more likely to arise as authoritarian rather than diplomatic or democratic. The high power distance indicates a high degree inequality of power and wealth distributed among the people. It is expected and accepted that the leaders will separate themselves and such condition remains unchallenged by the people but instead accepted as part of the cultural heritage.

            Because of this, the leadership style in UAE is likely to take a paternal approach. Modern Arab management practices remain highly influenced by the Islamic religion, tribal and family traditions. Tribal traditions influence all aspects of life and as a result, leaders are expected to act as fathers – viewing the role of in a highly personalized manner characterized by providing care to the employees and favoring individuals within the family and tribe over outsiders.

            The combination of family and tribal norms in addition to the bureaucratic organizational structures fosters authoritarian management styles that may be characterized "sheikocracy" leadership style. This style is characterized by a patriarchal approach to leading which includes hierarchical authority, subordination of efficiency to human relations and personal connections and sporadic conformity to rules and regulations (House, 2004, p. 63). Strong and decisive leadership are expected of the leaders. 


            The research will use various secondary resources from books, published journals and articles. These sources will provide further evidences that may confirm and contrast other studies. The sources and the references will be reviewed carefully and systematically. The large amount of facts based on public sector leadership will give the paper credibility. The facts will be used by the researcher to come up with conclusions supported by different studies


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