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Sample Research Proposal on The Private Hospital industry in Thailand


The Private Hospital industry in Thailand guarantees that all citizens, rich or poor, can gain access to free or affordable medical and hospital care while at the same time having the preference of private health services. Thailand's hospital industry provides services such as free check-up as a patient in an accredited hospital, as well as treatment by medical practitioners. Typically, this type of health system gathers its financial support from the government of the country, and specifically implemented by their health department. An individual's contribution to the hospital industry is actually based on his /her income and is made through taxes.


The private hospital industry of Thailand, upon the implementation of the strategic plan for the next 10 years, will have a stable and progressive status compared to times when the strategic plan is not in place.

Goals / Objectives of Thailand's Private Hospital Industry

The Private Hospital industry of Thailand has four main objectives:

A)   Remain as a top industry in terms of entertaining the health needs of people. Being on top of the list of accessible health programs enables the private hospital industry of Thailand to command the respect and confidence of the public. Thus, the industry is able to expand its operations all over Thailand.

B)    Gain more credibility than other hospital industries. The foundations that are being laid down in the establishment of the private hospital industry of Thailand are able to meet the demands of the general public. As a result, it is able to earn more credibility as against other health programs.

C)    Build the best brand of quality health services; and

D)   Maintaining its independence. Being an independent private hospital industry allows the Thai government to continue its tradition of excellence in its services by setting new trends and standards.


The management of the private hospital industry of Thailand is done in order to maintain the efficient and effective implementation of the policies and tasks necessary to satisfy the hospital's customers, health workers, and management. Its management focuses on the careful examination of the processes involved in the implementation and distribution of its services and benefits to the people of Thailand.

More often than not, small countries don't really have the financial capabilities to institutionalize a strong and stable private hospital industry. Instead, these countries engage in activities that various health organizations typically associate with health care delivery systems. These activities include the manufacturing of health products, health care development and implementation.

However, the management of the private hospital industry of Thailand involves all operations done within it. Activities such as the management of purchases, the control of inventories, logistics and evaluations are often related with the management of the private hospital industry of Thailand. A great deal of emphasis lies on the efficiency and effectiveness of processes. Therefore, the management of the private hospital industry of Thailand includes the analysis and management of internal processes.

Technological Implications

Technological planning is a necessary function within the private hospital industry of Thailand. In most private hospital industries this process is often very difficult because of the fast rate of change and the occurrences of unplanned events. The private hospital industry of Thailand uses several methodologies depending on the rate of demand of the citizens and the expenses of the health services being availed. Nevertheless, the objectives of the private hospital industry of Thailand for every transaction do not change: efficiency and effectiveness.

Technological planning is being implemented by the private hospital industry of Thailand in order for its activities and resources to be coordinated over time. This enables the private hospital industry to achieve its goals with minimal resource utilization. Technological planning also enables the management of the private hospital industry of Thailand to monitor the progress of its plans at regular intervals and maintain their control over operations. Technological planning within the private hospital industry of Thailand involves four elements: scheduling, labor planning, equipment planning, and cost planning.

  • Scheduling involves the specification of the beginning, the length or the duration, and end of the planned activities.
  • Labor planning involves allocating the necessary health personnel and delegation of responsibilities and resources
  • Equipment planning involves identifying the types and needs in terms of health equipments.
  • Cost planning involves determining the costs and the possibility of their occurrence.










Proposals for the Integral Components of the Strategic 10- year plan for the Private Hospital Industry of Thailand









Application of the Entrepreneurial and Social Approach


Control Group vs. Variable Group













Strategic 10- year plan for the Private Hospital Industry of Thailand

















The results of the analysis carried out on the health care industry of Thailand indicated very significant effects, even amidst the threats of unrest. Therefore, we could conclude that the health care industry of Thailand could still be expected to improve faster than average.

The review of the health care operations, delivery capabilities and resources of the health care industry of Thailand revealed very little inconsistencies regarding their strategies. This is coherent with their traditional inside-out approach. However, the need to reconcile both the inside-out and outside-in approaches becomes imperative now for the health care industry of Thailand.

The analysis among the environment as well as the management and technological implications on the health care industry of Thailand revealed certain gaps, most of which are based on finances. However, these gaps paved the way towards determining a number of recommended strategic options to secure the competitiveness of the health care industry of Thailand.

Also, the management of the health care industry of Thailand has to find a balance between adherence to internal forces within the management and to the changing forces of the environment in order to implement such strategic options.



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