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Research Title : Management Conflict in an Organization between Management and the Employees and the Management Resolve this Conflict


This research proposal will be centering on conflict and the underlying management of conflict as well as resolution, linking to the management and employees of several organizations. The method can be by means of utilizing case studies and descriptive surveys, accounting for responses of the management team and the employees. Identifying sources of managing conflicts and achieve time bound resolutions and conclusions respectively. For this initial proposal, aims and objectives have to be noted along with literature study overview and methodology glimpse just to assume spontaneity and relevance of this research proposal. Amiably, conflict can be regarded as disagreement regarding interests or ideas (Esquivel and Kleiner, 1997). Management of conflict is the discord that occurs when the goals, interests or values of different individuals or groups are incompatible and those individuals or groups block or frustrate each others attempt to achieve their objectives. Conflict is an inevitable part of life since the goals of different stakeholders such as managers and staff are often incompatible (Jones et al., 2000) Bagshaw (1998) notes that conflict is a fact of life as people compete for jobs, resources, power, acknowledgment and security; dealing with it is difficult because it arouses primitive emotions such as people feeling threatened, which creates version of stress response flight.

Literature Review

As one may speculate that the reasons that managers are paid the highest salaries in organizations is to compensate for the supposed acceptance of conflict; a good part of remuneration may be regarded as combat pay to work in an environment which can be constantly uncomfortable (Robbins, 1987). Bagshaw (1998) has pointed out that conflict is not necessarily a bad thing because if properly managed, it can be a creative force for the business and the individual that people often say in retrospect that difficult relationships were the ones that made them grow. One conflict management theory enunciated by the Society of Professionals In Dispute Resolution, states that a healthy conflict management system is integrated; integration is a higher level of organization than interconnection; that conflict management system is a human subsystem within organization; that the goal of an integrated conflict management system is achieved through a typical development process that starts with assessment and inquiry, and addresses design, implementation and evaluation (Ford, n.d.). While Jones et al. (2000) assert that conflict can be functionally resolved through compromise or by collaboration between the parties involved; they have maintained that conflict management strategies focused on the individuals include increasing awareness of the sources of conflict, increasing diversity awareness and skills, practicing job rotation or temporary assignments and using permanent transfers or dismissals when necessary; strategies focused on the whole organization include changing an organization structure or culture and altering the source of conflict.

Aims and Objectives

The study aiming to execute as well as generate acceptable knowledge information that will enhance the understanding of conflict management and how it is managed in the workplace.

The objectives of the research are to:

-          shed light on how managers and professionals perceive managing and resolving conflicts

-          reveal the factors take into consideration during conflict resolution

-          to discover the techniques for conflict management at work


The design for this research can be case studies and such descriptive survey in order to collect data from possible respondents and can be divided into two parts. The first part was designed to collect data on personal characteristics of the respondents, while the second part sought data on diverse management ways of conflict and its resolution in the workplace.

In order to ensure that the methods contained relevant items, extensive review of literature on conflict management is to be done – general management books/journals, basically management articles, journals are to be consulted. A total of 50 copies of surveys have to be administered and retrieved from respondents and that analysis will be utilizing frequency counts and percentages as well as argumentations towards management.


Conflict that is the disagreement that occurs between individuals or groups due to incompatibility of goals, values, backgrounds, is inevitable in the workplace. Though conflict is often viewed as negative, it is capable of contributing to employee performances as there can experience conflict within the colleagues or subordinates. The most prevalent means of managing conflict among the Nigerian university library staff is accommodation followed by avoidance. When conflicts are properly managed, management and employees will be able to achieve the goals for which they are set up. In the height of this study, the following can be suggested for improvements:

-          Managers should see conflict as not just negative but positive and has the potential of increasing work performance if properly managed

-          Efforts should be made by the to occasionally stimulate conflict by encouraging divergent views and rewarding staff and departments for outstanding performance

-          There should not allow conflict to escalate before taking step to deal with it and to organize seminar/worships on workplace conflict management from time to time to enable parties to learn about conflicts and how to effectively mange them for individual and work productivity



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