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A Free Research Proposal on the Pedophilia on Children

The Psycho-Educational Impact of Pedophilia on Children

In doing the case study regarding this type of subject matter, it is efficient to structure the study in a more simplified yet comprehensive manner. The outline of the work will be divided accordingly based on the chosen type of method of research. If for instance this case uses both a qualitative and quantitative method of research it has its own research structure to be followed, but if this study will only use one of the two methods and not an amalgamation of the two, then it should followed a different type of research structure outline.

Based on the research topic and the underlying thesis claim of this paper, it can be assumed that the use of both approaches is deemed necessary. Hence, it followed a certain outline that appropriately serves for the amalgamated method.

All formal research study contains general headings found in the table of content like—the title page, approval sheet, abstract of the whole work, biographical sketch, though this could be omitted depending on the research professor, acknowledgment, dedication and towards the end of the main work are bibliography/references and appendices wherein all gathered data transcriptions, survey questionnaires and interviews are to be put.

            Meanwhile, given these standardized contents applied to all research studies, there are quite dissimilarities in terms of the main content of the work in relation to the process of making the study organized, comprehensive, and systematic. In this connection, the chapters will be divided into seven since this uses an amalgamated method of research.

This study will be composed of seven chapter with corresponding main and sub headings in each. The chapter 1 will be under the main heading—Introduction, Chapter 2 will be Review of the Related Literature, Chapter 3 will be Framework of the Study, Chapter 4 will be Methodology and Design, Chapter 5 will be Results and Discussions, Chapter 6 will be Analyses and Synthesis, and Chapter 7 will be Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations.

Each Chapter has a corresponding function and subdivided into different sub-headings.

Chapter 1 under the main heading Introduction will be comprised of four sub-heads which are important—background of the study, statement of the problem, objectives, and scope and limitations. Under this chapter, the study will look into the significance of the work and in underlining its main objectives and problems. The chapter 1 offers the readers of the initial information and idea about the topic it pursues.

The chapter 2 under the main heading Review of Related Literature will be subdivided accordingly depending on the bulk of the gathered library information. The sub-heads will be represented by concepts or this can also be a flowing discussion on the gathered related information. Putting sub-heads is under the discretion of the researcher. But for systemic and organization purposes it is advisable to put sub-heads in order that readers can identify the concepts being discussed.

The Framework of the Study under the Chapter 3 is important in any research work. The framework is comprised of three sub-heads namely: theoretical, conceptual, and operational. However, in some cases, especially for quantitative research, operational framework is not used, while in qualitative/quantitative research operational framework is optional.

The Methodology and Design under the Chapter 4 are subdivided into several headings—research design, research method/s, concept and indicators, respondents and sampling frame, instrumentation, data gathering, and time table. These are the subdivision of the chapter 4 in which provides the readers with a detailed information on the methodology and design used by the researcher. Each of them played a significant role in the progress of the research. However, some of these headings can be omitted depending on the method of research one is using. If the research is only a quantitative, concepts and indicators can be omitted while if the study is qualitative, respondents and sampling frame can be omitted. Yet, in this study, these two subheads are to be used.

The chapter 5 will be the results and discussions. Under this chapter, the researcher is ought to present the results gathered from three different instruments used – survey, interview, and group discussion. The presentation of the results and discussion will be presented accordingly based on each instruments used. However, the results and discussions can be integrated yet; no analysis will be made unless the study uses a quantitative approach.

The analyses and synthesis will come after the Chapter 5. In this section, the presentation of analyses will be based on the results presented in the preceding chapter. Moreover, analyses will be the researcher's idea based on the gathered information and results from three instruments used. The last chapter is comprised of summary, conclusions and recommendations. The summary and conclusions will be based on Chapters 5-6, while recommendations will be based on what the study is lacking of that need to be strengthened.

In summary the table of content will be like this:

Table of Contents

Title Page

Approval Sheet


Biographical Sketch



Chapter I: Introduction

  1. Background of the Study
  2. Statement of the Problem
  3. Objectives
  4. Scope and Limitations


Chapter II: Review of Related Literature


Chapter III: Framework of the Study

  1. Theoretical
  2. Conceptual
  3. Operational

Chapter IV: Methodology and Design

  1. Research Design
  2. Research Method
  3. Concept and Indicators
  4. Respondents and Sampling Frame
  5. Instrumentation
  6. Data Gathering
  7. Time Table


Chapter V: Results and Discussions

  1. Survey
  2. FGD/Key Informant Interview


Chapter VI: Analyses and Synthesis


Chapter VII: Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations





Research Proposal Outline

            The research proposal outline is made up of at least three to four chapters. Some research proposals only used four important headings such as introduction, statement of the problem, significance of the study and methodology. However, if we have to apply the type of a formal research proposal to be submitted to research professor for evaluation and assessment, it does not only contain such headings since it only a composition of one of the four chapters of a formal research proposal except for methodology.

            The outline of a formal research proposal should contain four or three chapters namely, Chapter 1, Introduction or background of the study with subheads—significance of the study, statement problem, objectives, and scope and limitations, Chapter 2, Review of Related Literature, Chapter 3 Framework of the Study and Chapter 4, Methodology and Design. In any research work, these four chapters are the composition of the research proposal.

            The aim of outlining the proposal in this structural type is to provide the research professor a detailed, organized and systematic proposal for evaluation and assessment. It is important for the panel or research professor to see the initial blueprint of the research in order to help him/her decide whether to grant the research or not.

            Hence, the importance of this kind of structure of research proposal can further strengthen the possibility of granting it by the research professor.



angelinjones said…
It is suggested that this, as a stand alone therapy, is suboptimal. CBT components are necessary but not sufficient for comprehensive therapy. It is imperative that process issues are given primacy in treatment programs. The common factors literature makes it clear that the therapeutic relationship is at least as potent a factor promoting change as the system or techniques that clinicians employ. Diagnosis per se is not required for adequate treatment of these individuals. For the CBT components, some offence specific information is required but that is a far cry from true diagnosis.

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