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Report on the Dilemma of Using Software Methodologies and the Implications for Object-Oriented Software Projects

I. Introduction

Software is an indispensable and crucial provider for the new economy as well as science. It helps to create new markets as well as new directions for more dependable, elastic and vigorous society. Though, more often than not, software falls short behind the expectorations of the users, the customers as well as the fixed business rule of the company or the organizations. Although there are many software methodologies, tools as well as techniques that are already available and used, most of it are expensive and not yet that reliable for those highly changeable and evolutionary market. More often than not, software methodologies or approach are only proven in case-by-case oriented methods (Fujita & Mejri 2006, p. v).
In every project, those inexperience developers are already thinking about the different ways that they can handle in order to deal with their stock knowledge and skills as well as the steps that they can follow. On the other hand, those inexperienced developers will first look forward on how to commence the project. They need some good guidelines as well as proven works and studies that have been applied in real world. However, there have been many critics and questions that are arising from different IT professionals as well as those new in the business about the necessity of methodology (Cairo & Barreiro 1999, p. 324). Cairo & Barreiro (1999) said that making program is fun for many people; someone can enjoy it by making things or features of his or her own designs and ideas in a faster and cheaper manner than having a large team, without following any methodology (p. 324).
Using a methodology doesn’t ensure success of the overall project but it serves as a sign of competency that will help to provide different means or ways to lessen risks (Cairo & Barreiro 1999, p. 328).

II. Concept and Background of the Study

As of today, there have been many software methodologies that are available to be used and applied in the real world of IT. Each and every types represent a specific situation or business rules that will fit the needs and demands of the current system. Due to this reason, there have been many methodologies that are facing discussion as well as debate with regards to its efficiency and use, from the waterfall up to the agile as well as those other types in between (Grady 2007).
Software methodologies are considered as working models. It follows a continuous path of evolution. Selecting the best or the suited software methodologies will depend or based on the situation of the business or organization, the actors or the different entities that are involved in the software and the product or project itself (Grady 2007).
The reason for the creation and implementation of different methodologies is due to the fact that the IT sector or aspect of the world had faced a software crisis during the past few years due to the main problem: the software production does not satisfy the customers in terms of quality and the delivery times; and the fact that the past methodologies doesn’t have the ability to handle different problems about delayed because of those methodologies are heavy and rigid (Marchesi & Succi 2003, p. 447).
All of the said reasons are the primary focus of those professionals and new members of the IT professional’s world in debating and opposing the efficiency of the software methodologies in helping to improve the process of developing different programs as well as helping to prevent future error or dilemma in the duration of software development. Some professional says that the presence of various types of software methodologies doesn’t really help the project manager or the developer, especially those amateur, but more often than not, it can cause confusion. This is due to the reason that not all of the methodologies are applicable or useful for a particular situation or business rules, there are many things and features that must be considered in order to meet the desired outcome. Another thing is that the use of software methodologies doesn’t follow that the developing system will be successful. This makes those who are against the methodologies because although the developer will have to exert money and all, there is still a big chance for them to fail.

III. The Current Situation

There are many problems or dilemma of software methodologies that are connected to the object-oriented software projects. Montlick (1999), states that object oriented software is all about object. It can be characterized as a black box that receives and sends different messages. The black box contains different code and data. Object-oriented programming has its primary or golden rule and this is to avoid or prevent from peeking inside the box. Everything inside the object must not be seen and even must not be modify or change rather than the creator or the developer of the source code or of the application.
The said situation will be very hard since all of the methodologies that are available today are dependent in communication. This is due to the fact that communications among the team members are impossible during any systems or software developments due to their pride, positions and sometimes due to some inevitable things such as stress, time pressure and reluctance. The process of implementing and doing object-oriented software project is in great need of communications due to the fact that each and every part of the software or application is connected to one another. As well as the idea of one member must be connected to another member of the team.
Another thing is that, the source code of the object-oriented cannot be changed without the permission of the author because it might cause chaos and error. That is why; it will be hard to manage the overall operation of the software development.

A. Industry/ Academic Consideration

The dilemma about the use of different software methodology and its impact to the object-oriented software projects can help the industry or the firm of Information Technology to enhance or to continue the development of many methodologies that will handle the dilemma or the disadvantage of software methodologies in different areas of software development. This can help the students to be more familiar with the different methodologies that are available to be used as well as the right time or situation on when, where and how to use it.
This can help the recent study about the Globacom to enhance their system. By analyzing the different dilemma of the different system methodologies with relation to the object-oriented software, it will be easy to look forward or to plan the strategies or the different approach that the company will be using in order to prevent those dilemmas that might cause a bigger one.
It can also help to be more focus about the different impact and applications of the software methodologies to the business industry.

B. Global Consideration

Application of different IT and other computer related applications and technologies are now a must or inevitable in most of the enterprise, sectors, businesses and organizations in all part of the globe. It has become one of the best weapon that can be used in order to acquire their competitive advantage as well as to meet the demand of their customers or client that can help them to be more productive and reliable. Globacom is a telecommunication company, which means that their company is connected to other local as well as international telecommunication company in their country and other part of the globe. This means that having a successful software development process and activities can help the company to be more well-known or famous to their subscribers in terms of their reliable services and products.
It can also prepare them to be more selective or choosy about the path that they are going to take in order to meet the demands and the needs of the company’s business rules and their aims and objectives. It can also help to make the world more connected and make this small world, smaller.

C. National Consideration

Although the company is connected to other telecommunication company in some part of the globe, Globacom, still focus on its local operations. This is due to the fact that their main customers or consumers are located in their local or mother country. The system or software development plan of the company will be helpful for them to be more connected or friendlier to their customers or clients. That is why a good, well-planned, well-implemented as well as well-maintained software development activity must be created and it starts with selecting the proper or the suited methodology. If the software development plan and implementation will turn out good, then the overall performance or the overall systems of the company will be connected and it can help to improve the performance of their country. This is due to the fact that there are other companies or businesses that are dependent or connected to the Globacom, since it is offering communication services.

IV Conclusion

There are many reasons why software development fails such as lack of time and details in planning, lack of information between the developing team, the users and the owners and lack of communication inside the developing team. Software methodologies are just guidelines or strategies that can be used or follow in order to prevent different future problems or dilemma that the developers can encounter during the system or software development. However, due to the fact that those methodologies are just considered as guides or rules, it will not ensure successful implementation of system development and are limited for a specific use or situation.
Different methodologies can also help to create a future development that can help the developers or the developing team to allot a space or a room for future development that can help them to ready the system or the software for future enhancement or growth. This will enable the system to be more versatile and adaptable.

V. Recommendation

Although there are many disadvantages that can be found in using the different system methodologies, there are also many activities or task which can be done in order to prevent the hazardous effects of mismanagement in the overall performance of the developing or already developed system or software.
The first thing that has to do is to connect or to related the different business rules, detailed needs as well as the schedule of different entities and other important events that are related to the overall development of a specific system or software. It will also be important to gather different information from the different perspective of different entities of the system such as the owner, the end-users and the perspective of the customers. This can help to target the logical and physical design needs of the software or system.
As of the situation of the Globacom, it will be necessary to consider the needs, demands and preferences of their customers as a whole in order for them to connect their system to their customers or client. Communication is also one of the most important, if not the most important aspect in any activities or task with accordance to system or software development. This is due to the fact that there are many parties or entities who are involved in the overall system and it must handle each and every needs of each and every participant of the system. Gathering of information is also a necessity; this is due to the fact that a system or software is only the mirror or the reflection of the current system, thus all of the flow of data and information must follow the business rule of the company together with the updated data flow.
Proper implementation and application of system methodologies together with the object-oriented software can help to improve the management of the information and data flow inside the business or organization. It can also help to be more connected to the outside related entities such as the customers, the suppliers, inventors and other important stakeholders.


Cairo, O, Barreiro, J & Solsona, F 1999, ’Software Methodologies at Risk’, in Fensel (ed.) & Studer (ed.) 1999, Knowledge Acquisition, Modeling and Management: 11th European Workshop, EKAW ’99 Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, May 1999 Proceedings (pp. 323 - 336), Springer

Fujita, H (ed.) & Mejri, M (ed.) 2006, New Trends in Software Methodologies, Tools and Techniques: Proceedings of the fifth SoMeT_06, IOS Press

Grady, R 2007, With a Plethora of Software Methodologies, Pick the right one for the job,, viewed 08 January 2008,

Marchesi, M (ed.) & Succi, G (ed.) 2003, Extreme Programming and Agile Processes in Software Engineering: 4th International Conference, XP 2003 Genova, Italy, May 2003 Proceedings, Springer


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