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Showing posts from October, 2008

Chinese Healthcare Reform Research Proposal

INTRODUCTION   This proposal is elaborating on a step-by- step procedures of a business research work, which aims at analyzing and evaluating that how the new Chinese Healthcare Reform influences the marketing strategies of multinational pharmaceutical companies. In this study, the target company is Beijing Novartis Phama Ltd. In the meanwhile, this research also tries to explore what the company can do innovatively to maximize the benefits of this new system, and how the relevant marketing strategies can be formed and carried out. At the beginning of this proposal, I am willing to rationalize the topic, clarify the objectives and design the research problems. Followed by a series of marketing strategies literature review, an explanation methodology will be applied, and an outline of research methods and data collection will be presumed.   This research will combine exploratory, descriptive and explanatory studies. The objective of using three studies is to describe the c...