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Sample Thesis Statements - Industrial Strike Action should be outlawed

Thesis Statement

Outlawing Industrial Strike Action gives more power to different industries to change their resource policies and regulations easily which may affect the empoyment condition of the human resources.

Strike action or more commonly known as a strike referred to thework stoppage and paralysis caused by the mass refusal of the workers to do their jobs. The strike typically takes place to respond to the grievances of the employees. The context of industrial strike action has become an essential aspect of the industrial revolution, when mass labor became significant in mining and factory industries. In most nations, industrial strike was quickly considered as illegal as owners of the companies tend to have political power than the workers. On the other hand, western nations have been able to legalise partially the industrial strike actions.

It is very complex to note how any individual can deny that all human resources should have the rights to defend themselves through strike. This is because striking enables the people wot have freedome of speech which is justifiable for democratic countries. For this research proposal, the researcher aims on analysing the premise that outlawing Industrial Strike Action gives more power to different industries to change their resource policies and regulations easily which may affect the empoyment condition of the human resources. Accordingly, industrial actions enables th employees a line to protest against miserly and below minimn wages or unfair hourses. In theoretical aspects, if industrial strike actions will be outlawe, the industries can easily impose changes in terms and contract that they wished on their workers.

Industrial action which compose of go-slows, partial stoppages, work-to-rules, overtime bans and also even mass resignations has now been the topic for outlawing and prohibitions in most countries excep on the times of limited bargaining periods of business agreement. The context of outlawing industrial strike actions is not new. However, what worsen the problem is that most workers in this new generation can no longer take any action, even for the long-overdue claims and pressing claims. Many believed that such actions not only outlawed the right of the workers to take actions in case their employee rights are being vilated but also bolsters the positions of the unions whih have official status as negotiating agents to reinforce labo codes and legal actions, that has far-reaching powers to block or halt industrial action.

It can be said that this thesis wimm be significant for the employees or workers to know their rights and to know what employees rights are being affected when industrial strike actions will be outlawed. The topic of outlawing industrial strike actions is very important so that employees will be able to know what kind of actions to do in times that they will no longer have an option to fight legally against their employers or their company.

In addition, this proposed research can also be important to understant the current law strikes that can be considered to efficiently balance the conditions as well as the rights of the workers to take industrial action support of claims for improved conditions as well as the rights of the employers to continue business operations. This will also aim on analysing why there is a need for outlawing industrial actions even if the authorities know that it is the only way the right of the employees can be protected.


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